Because He is Mine

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Knott's POV

It's is official. I have become Arthit. Well, not actually. But I am now finding myself having the same arguments with myself that I counseled Arthit about. It is funny how I sounded so wise back then, and now all the words I said to him are just a joke when I tell them to myself. Hearing my words said back to me in my head makes me realize I am an idiot. Who was I to counsel Arthit when I am just as clueless as he is. I lay my head down on the table and let out a sigh.

"Hi, P'Knott," N'Tew begins as he places his books on the table, "You know if you are too tired to tutor me, I can ask Ai'Kong."

I have tutored N'Tew for calculus twice already. It is not like I can tell him no after that night I walked him to his dorm. Our dorm. I used it as an excuse to take him, and it is not like my brain will let me say no when he asks. I doubt I could tell him no to anything.

"No, It is fine," saying as I sit up, "Your exam is coming up, and I will have to start studying for mine soon."

"Oh," N'Tew mumbles, "I guess you will be pretty busy then." Why does he look disappointed?

"Just the usual," I mumble, pulling his notebook over to see what he needs, I ask, "What are you having difficulty with?" As we begin going over his lessons.

"Just the usual," I mumble, pulling his notebook over to see what he needs, I ask, "What are you having difficulty with?" As we begin going over his lessons

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"Thanks, P'Knott, Professor Nond never seems to be able to explain it as you do," N'Tew smiles at me as he packs his books. "I will get going."

"Welcome, N'Tew," I say to him as I grab my notebook flipping through it to some notes to review.

"It is late, P'," he informs me as he scrunches up his face. "You are not going to leave?"

He is so cute when he makes that face. I want to pinch his cheeks. I mentally scold myself for once again wanting to touch him but am happy I have kept my hands to myself. Shit, I have mentally wandered off again! He asked me about leaving. Answer Knott.

"I am staying a little longer," I tell him. Yes, just long enough for you to get to the dorms so I won't run into you. I don't know why I don't want him to know we share a dorm, but here I am, hiding out in the library so he can get there before me. Why am I worried? He has been there all semester, and I never once ran into him before, but now that I know about it, I am acting like a weird reverse stalker.

He nods and smiles before he leaves. Once again, I rest my head on the table. What the hell am I doing? I have never really dated much, and I have only liked girls. I know girls think of me as attractive, but once we start dating, they realize I am boring and break up with me. Never have I found a boy cute before. Fine. I admit I find N'Tew cute. I have often wondered what it would be like to kiss him. I groan as I bang my head on the desk. Why?

Seeing him around campus, I have noticed that he is popular with girls. So he obviously likes girls, not guys. Hell, I did too until him!

Just today, N'Maprang was hanging all over him at lunch. I can feel that same twinge of jealousy I felt earlier. I bang my head again, remembering how I had crushed my drink that was in my hand and ended up spilling it everywhere. Bright had a field day with that. One of these days, someone from the gang will kill him, and we will have to bury his body. Today it was going to be me.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now