Pair Of Idiots

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Kongpop's POV

"Ai'Wad, seriously, how long are you going to ignore P'Prem," I demand as Wad's phone rings yet again. The screen is lighting up with P'Prem's name. He shrugs at me and continues to work on our assignment. Wad has chosen to hide out at my dorm to avoid Prem even more.

"Aren't you mad at P'Arthit?" he asks, looking up from his notebook.

I admit when P'Arthit had called out Wad's name, I was mad. I had been so happy seeing him outside my class, and then he goes and blurts out Wad's name instead of mine. Yes. It hurt. Yes. I was upset. But then I thought about the situation and realized my P'Arthit probably panicked. I don't think he has told his friends. I know I haven't told anyone besides Wad. So when faced with two of his friends and all of mine. He probably just blurted out any name but mine. What confused me more was P'Prem saying mine and what was up with P'Knott wanting to talk to Tew.

"I was at the start," I shrug. "But I am sure I was the one P'Arthit was there to see. I mean we made up at the wedding, and we are good. P'Arthit just panicked when he saw everyone."

"Really," he asks. "Then why did P'Prem call out your name? Explain that to me because I can't figure it out."

I watch as Wad picks at a thread on his hoodie. I might be over what happened this afternoon, but he is still upset by it. I don't even know what stage he is at with Prem. I mean, I don't even know where I am at with P'Arthit. What does it mean to "accept you"? Are we boyfriends or just dating? And if you are dating, is that the same as being a boyfriend? I mean, he has my gear, but I don't have his. Prem and Wad have each other's gear. So what does that make them?

"See, you can't," Wad huffs. "That is why I am ignoring him."

"Where are you and Prem?" I question. "Boyfriends? Dating? What?"

"I don't know," he answers. "What are you and P'Arthit?"

"I don't know," I echo. "Geez, don't we make a pair of idiots."

Wad chuckles as he nods his head. "I think Prem and I are boyfriends. But he hasn't asked me. He says he loves me."

"You have his gear, and he has yours," I replied. "Doesn't that imply that you are boyfriends?"

"Would you be happy with just it being IMPLIED," he scoffs. "I don't think so. Besides, how hard is it to just ask me to be his boyfriend?"

"Look, I think both P'Prem and P'Arthit panicked and just called out names. I mean, I even had to remind P'Prem he asked for me," I assert. "I don't think he came to tell me that I should protect you from the guys on that basketball team. He seemed like he was at a loss on what to say to me. And he only told me that after I brought up those guys."

"Yeah, I think it was the same with P'Arthit," Wad adds. "The first thing he said was asking about was why P'Prem wanted to talk to you, but I don't think he thought I heard him until I answered. Then he brought up about those guys and seemed desperate to find you."

We both look at each other and sigh. "We are dating idiots." We say at the same time and laugh at each other.

Wad stops and looks at me, "Why do you think P'Knott asked for Ai'Tew? Now that was strange."

"I don't know," I look out the window over to P'Arthit's room. "I saw him texting P'Knott in class."

"Really?" Wad sits up. "When did they exchange numbers?"

"Not a clue," I say as I am trying to determine if P'Arthit is home or not. "Ai'Tew looked confused when P'Knott was leading him away. Maybe it has something to do with our class. Remember, Ai'Tew is the class president."

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now