Everyone's Radar

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Kongpop's POV

"Here, you can eat these," I grumble, setting the box of what I am assuming are cookies that were just handed to me by someone on Aim's desk. "Do I need to wear a sign that says Property of Arthit?"

"I would love to see P'Arthit's face when he saw that," Aim snorts, looking in the box. "Umm... Kong."

"Yeah," I mumble, looking through my bag for a pen.

"I don't think this is from an admirer of yours," Aim says. The tone in his voice makes me look at him.

"What do you mean?" Tew asks behind me. Yeah, what does he mean?

"Who gave this to you?" Wad asks, peering over Aim's shoulder. "A girl?"

"No, it was a guy. I just assumed it was from a girl by the look of the box, and she was too shy to give it to me," I answer Wad as I pull the box over to me. "What the hell?"

"Did the guy say who the girl was?" Jett asks, frowning.

"What are you all staring at?" Kammon says, hopping up on the table. "Oh, yay! Cookies!" Before we can stop him, he snatches the box from me. "What the fvcking hell is this?" Kammon shouts. Oak clamps his hand over Kammon's mouth as Aim takes the box from him.

"Where were in the middle of discussing that," Tew says in a very P'Knott tone. "Sit your hyperactive butt down and use your inside voice, please."

"Wow!" Aim exclaims, "Are you channeling P'Knott or what?"

"If I am," Tew barks and points at Kammon, "It is only because he is channeling P'Bright."

"You have to wonder how the seniors haven't killed P'Bright yet," Wad chuckles.

"You are talking about my boyfriend," Kammon glowers at us.

"Like you don't wonder the same thing," Aim points out.

"Well, true," Kammon shrugs, "Who gave you the box?"

"Some guy," I answer, trying to remember what the guy looked like, "I didn't pay much attention since I was annoyed by the gift."

"Has P'Arthit gotten any gifts lately?" Oak asks.

"Not that he has said," I say, "But I don't know if he would tell me about it."

"He wouldn't," a voice says behind me, "He is too afraid you would get upset."

"P'Boon?" I question.

"What?" P'Boon smiles, sitting down next to Jett, who moves over. "Wow! Someone wants you to break up with him," P'Boon adds, glancing down into the box.

"You think?" I snort before I remember I am addressing a senior.

"Afraid Ai'Kong would get upset?" Wad repeats P'Boon's words. "So P'Arthit has gotten presents."

"From girls?" I demand.

"Both," P'Boon answers with a smile. "It is like after you asked P'Arthit out, everyone realized what a cutie he was. He is now on everyone's radar."

"He is my cutie, P'," I grumble. Mine and mine alone. Maybe I need to make P'Arthit wear a sign that says Property of Kongpop!

"I know, nong," P'Boon chuckles, "But half the campus seems to think they can outdo you."

"He is the effing Campus Moon," Oak states, "Who could outdo a Moon?"

"I have a question," Kammon puts in.

"What?" Wad asks.

"Who is he?" Kammon questions pointing at P'Boon.

"I signed your book, nong," P'Boon frowns, "And you don't remember me?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now