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Wad's POV

"Hey, Ai'Wad," Kongpop smiles at me.

"Hey," I reply back awkwardly.

Aim claps me on the back as he goes and stands by Oak and Tew. Dee and three girls walk up and stand with us.

"Good to see you here, Ai'Wad," Dee says as he punches my shoulder. "I will beat you next time we play."

"As if," I snort. "So, what is this all about?"

"Don't know," Tew answers, "Hopefully, they will tell us what we need to do."

I look up in the stands, but I don't see the hazers yet. Looking around at the other students, nobody seems to care that I showed up. I was overthinking. A murmur runs through the crowd as the Hazers walk into the stands. It is just like the first day. I watch as P'Prem and his friends flank P'Arthit, who looks grumpier than usual today. Is that guy ever happy?

"Is it just me, or does P'Arthit look grumpier than normal?" Aim asks Oak. I chuckle. I am not the only one who noticed.

"When does he not look like that?" Oak snorts, and we all laugh.

I notice Kongpop is frowning, though. I wonder if he is going to have words with P'Arthit again. Those two are worse than P'Prem and I. I look back at the stands and see P'Prem standing there, and I smile, thinking back to the night we played basketball, and he bought me dinner for the second time. I guess I can't say we are like that anymore.

Aim and Oak are talking about the stand set up, trying to figure it out. When Aim compares it to Donkey Kong, we all laugh when Tew threatens to tell P'Arthit that Aim just compared him to King Kong Boss. I look up into the stands, so if P'Arthit is the main boss, P'Prem and the other guys would be the bosses we have to fight before the main showdown. I wonder which order they would come up with? Why am I even thinking about this? This is what I get for listening to Aim.

"First Years," P'Arthit voice booms across the field, "Fall in! First Years! Attention!" He pauses as we line up. "Today! It is an important day of yours. You all must prove yourself to make us accept and recognize that you are fit enough to be engineering students in this university!" I could swear that P'Arthit is glaring at Kongpop. "Do you see this flag? Your duty is to capture it. I won't tell you how. You must use all I have taught you and your own abilities to figure it out." What? "The deadline is 7 pm sharp today!" Everyone is murmuring. "If you fail to capture it, all of you are not our official engineering juniors! If you are ready, let's get started! Come and get the flag!"

That's it? Use what we were taught? I skipped most of the meetings, so I won't be any help. We are screwed.

Kongpop's POV

All we have left is Spirit, but he just told Tew we failed. P'Arthit did this because of me. I don't get how my wanting to go for Economics is such a big deal for him. If we fail, it is because he hates me. We already made the formation. What more can we do to show our spirit to him? I look up at the stands and can tell he is sneering at me.

"Guys, hear me out. I have a plan," I tell my friends, and I explain my plan before I run to P'Arthit in the stands.

"What are you here for?" P'Arthit sneers when I approach him. Here goes nothing.

"I'm the representative of the first years," I say calmly, "I would like to ask you to come down into the field with me."

"Why do I have to go there with you?" P'Arhit asks. Why does he have to be so difficult?

"So that all of us can show our spirit to you," I answer.

"Show your spirit to me, you say?" P'Arthit scoffs, "You should ask yourself first whether all of you out there have enough spirit. I told you. If it doesn't come from your true heart, you don't deserve to get acknowledged by us."

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now