Why Are You So Happy

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Prem's POV

"Well, at least I didn't lose as bad this time," I pant as I try to catch my breath. I look over at N'Wad and find him grinning at me.

"True," He laughs, "But you know the deal. Supper is on you." N'Wad takes a drink from his water bottle.

I catch myself watching a drop of sweat running down his neck as he drinks, following it until it disappears under his collar. He is hot. What the hell was that? Did I just think he was hot? I know. I thought he was hot, as in warm, not hot as in sexy. My breath catches when he raises his shirt in the front and wipes his face. Hello, abs. Oh shit, it was that kind of hot. Look away! Look away now!

"P'Prem?" N'Wad calls, "Is there something wrong? You are really red. Did you get too hot?"

"Hot?" I mumble.

N'Wad walks over and hands me a bottle of water. "Here, drink this. If you want, we don't have to eat. Maybe you should go back to the dorm and cool off."

"No, I am good," I smile, "The same stall?" I will think about N'Wad being hot when I get home. Oh, hell, I just thought it again.

"Yeah," N'Wad replies as he runs over and gets his bag. "At this rate, you are going to make them rich."

"Hey," I huff, "Remember, I am your senior." I can't help but laugh with him.

"Yes, P'," N'Wad agrees, "I still have an assignment to finish, so we better get going."

"Come on," I say, throwing my arm around his shoulders, "I would hate for my nong to starve."

We are sitting at the same table in the stall, which I am starting to think of as 'Our Table,' and considering the thought, I just had a while ago, I am beginning to wonder about how I see this nong

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We are sitting at the same table in the stall, which I am starting to think of as 'Our Table,' and considering the thought, I just had a while ago, I am beginning to wonder about how I see this nong. I mean, he is a guy.

"What are you doing this weekend, P'Prem," N'Wad asks between bites.

"The same thing as you," I shrug. I can't wait to go to the beach with N'Wad. Hold up, with the first years, mentally correcting myself.

"You are going home, too," N'Wad stops and looks at me, "How did you know I was going home?"

"Going home?" I ask, "No, we are going to the beach as a faculty for the final ceremony. Are you going home? You are not coming to the beach? Why not?"

"I go home every other weekend," N'Wad states, "I help my mom in her shop. She owns a bakery."

"Wouldn't she understand if you miss a weekend?" I say, trying not to pout.

"She wouldn't mind, but I would," N'Wad says firmly.

"It is just one weekend," I sulk, "Just miss one weekend."

"P'Prem, I can't," N'Wad frowns.

"Then at least tell me why you insist on going home," I demand. I want N'Wad to come with us to the beach. I want to see him get his gear. Watching N'Wad, I see him trying to shutter away his feelings. Damn it. He is going to hide. I pushed him too far. "Sorry, N'Wad," I sigh. "You don't have to tell me." I go back to eating to hide my disappointment.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now