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Bright's POV

"Everything is in place," Tutah smiles, walking up. "Do you think they will get the clues?"

"Yeah," Prem asks, "I mean, they will only mean something to some of them. Some of the places didn't involve all of them." Prem looks over at P'Dear and me, "And none of them involved N'Kammon or P'Win."

"I think we should just do a straight capture the flag event," Arthit puts in. "We have the one we planned before..." I smirk when he trails off. Yeah, asshole. We all know we have a second capture the flag event, and why did we not use it.

"Before you got pissed at 0062 and changed everything," Knott continues for him.

"I hate you," Arthit grumbles at Knott.

"No, I like the clues," I put in, looking at the puzzle frame we came up with for this challenge.

"I hope they understand them," P'Dear sighs as he sits down on the bleachers. I notice Tutah smiling as he watches P'Dear. These two still give me couple vibes from time to time. It is like Tutah knows a little secret when he looks at P'Dear.

"You are getting old," Tutah teases. "Maybe you should build your stamina?"

"Do you want to die, nong," P'Dear warns. I tilt my head to the side, looking at him. Is he blushing?

"Here they come," Arthit points out, snapping my attention back to the task at hand.

We all line up on the stairs just like we did the day of Capture the Flag. The only difference is that I am the one front and center while my friends flank me. Unlike last time where there were only five, one each for the letters of SOTUS, there are six this time. I smile, thinking how well this works out. Last time there were five clues and five of us. This time there are six, and with the addition of P'Dear, there are six of us. Besides, it would have been weird to divide it up into fifths. I prefer even numbers. Glancing back at the puzzle box, I am pleased with my idea.

Watching N'Wad walk up, I look over at Prem. If I remember right, this is where Wad rejoined the nongs back in SOTUS after he walked out. N'Wad had participated in Freshy Games but still avoided meetings. Capture the Flag was the first time he showed back up. Prem is grinning at his boyfriend like an idiot. I look at my other friends. Hell, all of them are, and I am not far behind when I see Kammon being pounced on by N'Maprang. Personal space, N'Maprang. Learn it. I chuckle when I watch N'Oak stalk over and peel N'Maprang off her cousin.

When they get lined up, Arthit clears his throat. "Bright," he hisses, "Start." Oh, yeah. I am in charge.

"Today is an important day for you," I begin, "Today is the day you prove to us that you are fit to be our juniors in this university! Do you see this box? It is your job to find the pieces that will make it whole. Just like gears represent us. Each of us is a part of this, and without all the pieces, we are not whole." I pause, waiting as the nongs and P'Win look at the box.

"You will be given one clue, "I continue, "When you find the answer and the piece of the puzzle, you will get the next clue. You must use what you know from SOTUS to solve the clues." The nongs exchange looks with Kammon and P'Win. "The deadline is noon today!" I shout, "If you do not meet this deadline, we will not see you as part of us, and we will not be whole."

"If you are ready. Let's get started," I state, turning to go to the top step as my friends move to their designated step. "Come get your first clue."

Just like last time, all of his friends push N'Tew, who, in turn, pushes Kammon. Kammon shakes his head no furiously before being shoved forward by N'Maprang. We all watch as Kammon makes his way up the bleachers and stops in front of P'Dear.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now