Happiest I Have Ever Been

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Prem's POV

Mom and I look around the room. Finally, everything is in its place. It took longer than I expected. I walk over to my mom, fussing with the table and giving her a back hug. I rest my chin on top of her head, and she reaches up and pats my head.

"Thanks, Mom," I hum in her ear, "I couldn't have pulled this off without you."

She turns around and cups my face with both of her hands, "When did you grow so big?"

"Long time ago, Mom," I say as I cup her cheeks, "When did my mom grow so small?" I remember as a kid, my parents seemed so tall. I run my thumb over the wrinkles I never noticed by her eyes. When did these appear? You always think of your parents as unchanging fixtures in your life, but I need to remember they are growing older along with me.

"You and your dad are just ridiculously tall," Mom says as she shoves me away, "And you went and got another tall one for my son-in-law."

"Do you really like him?" I ask. I know they said they support us, but I still worry.

She sits on the bed and pats the spot next to her. I join her and rest my head on her shoulder.

"Yes, I do," Mom begins, "I worry for you and him. People can be mean. I don't want my boys to be hurt by unkind words. But he is a good boy, and N'Wad compliments you well. You are both quiet, and under that tough exterior you both project, there are very kind hearts."

"You are making me blush," I chuckle.

"Hush," Mom scolds, "Don't interrupt when an elder is talking."

"Yes, Mom," I pout. I can feel her laugh.

"Now, where was I before you butted in," Mom laughs, "Like I said that night, we were shocked, but in the end, we realized this is your life, and times are not what they were when we were your age. You love him. What else can we do but support you in that? Anything else would make us one of those parents from a weekend drama."

"You and Dad set such a good example," I tell her, "I am the happiest I have ever been, and I don't want to screw this up."

"I have seen you with him," Mom nudges me, "You make us proud. How do your friends treat you? Do they know?"

I sit up. It is indeed their story, but they know my parents, and I think they would be ok with them knowing.

"To be honest," I begin, "They are fine with it. It would be hard not to be."

"Hard not to be?" Mom questions.

"Well, except for Ai'Bright, they are all dating guys too," I explain.

"WHAT?!?" My mom shouts.

"That was my ear, Mom," I grumble, rubbing it. "Are you upset?"

"Yes, I am upset!" Mom glares at me, "They all go and get boyfriends and don't come home and introduce them to us! Your dad is going to be mad, too. How could they do that?"

"Mom, I laugh, "You do realize they are not your..."

"Oh, yes, they are my sons, too," Mom cuts me off, "I have known them since you started uni. You tell them all they are to come home one weekend. One weekend very soon."

Oh, fun. I now I have to tell Arthit and Knott I outed them to my mom. I am dead. Looking around the room, I smile at everything. At least I get to have this first before I die.

"Stop smiling like an idiot," Mom says, cuffing me on the head, "My work here is done. I need to catch the train back, so I better be going."

"Do you want me to take you to the station?" I ask, standing up.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now