All The Dirty Details

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Knott's POV

I am looking at the Facebook page of Dean Tangtrongchit. What I have found is disturbing. I am sitting at my desk absentmindedly chewing on my bottom lip while trying to decide how I will tell Prem. I called Arthit, and I am waiting for Arthit to come over to see if he thinks the same thing I do. Suddenly Tew reaches across and pulls my bottom lip. I look over at him and raise an eyebrow in question.

"Stop biting your lip," Tew says. "You have no idea how sexy it is."

Sexy? What? I don't get it. OK. Now I am confused. Shit! I seriously am as oblivious as Arthit!! No wonder he is such a basket case. I should apologize to him again for teasing him so much. Tew chuckles as he shakes his head.

"What?" I ask. Please say something that makes sense this time.

"You," he laughs. "You really don't know how tempting you are and as much as I want to act on how you make me feel. I know I need to give you more time to process this. From what I can tell, you are a planner, and you didn't plan to have a boyfriend."

"No, I didn't," I admit. "I think the word "blindsided" best sums it up."

"Blindsided is a good term," Tew agrees. "Do you want to step back and just be friends?"

"NO!" I say emphatically. "I told you before I kind of suck at relationships. I mean, we have already lasted longer than most of mine."

"You are joking," Tew quirks an eyebrow at me. "Right?"

"Nope," I sigh. "Sorry."

"Don't be," Tew smiles. "It will be fun exploring your firsts then. I think I like that I get to share them with you." His phone buzzes, and he looks at the notification on the screen. "That is Ai'Kong. We are studying for Mech. Got to go."

He packs up his bag and begins to walk out when he stops next to me. Cupping my cheek, he guides my lips to his. In the beginning, he just presses his lips to mine. He traps my lower lip between his as he sucks on it lightly, then I feel his tongue lick the seam of my lip. I part my lips and move my tongue to meet his. I put my arm around his waist and pull him closer as I deepen the kiss. He grasps the back of my head and tugs my hair as he moans. His phone sounds again, breaking the spell as we pull apart breathless. I catch myself leaning toward him, not wanting to stop. He smiles at me before kissing my forehead.

"That makes one first down, so many more to go," he laughs as he leaves.

He just left. I keep looking at the door he just went through as I touch my bruised lips. That was our first kiss, and he just leaves. I just kissed a guy. I have just kissed a guy, and it was hot. OK. Yeah, that is all I can think about now. My mind is now just focusing on all the things I want to... bad brain! Stop! I smack myself on the head.

"What are you doing?" Arthit says from the door with a "What the Fvck" look on his face.

"N'Tew kissed me," What the hell? He didn't need to know that! "Ummm... I mean..."

"I get it," he laughs. "My brain does that when Kongpop kisses me."

"You get this," I point to myself.

"Yup," Arthit smiles. "Been there. Done that. And I am hopefully doomed to do it again and again. So yeah totally get it. Now I really don't think you wanted me to come over to talk about N'Tew kissing you. What's up?"

"Look at this," I say as I turn my laptop so Arthit can see it. I watch as he reads the page and seeing him become concerned. He begins to chew on his bottom lip. I look at him doing the same thing Tew had told me was sexy and don't see anything sexy about it. Weird.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now