I Don't Wanna

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Tutah's POV

Knott walks into class and sits beside me. Prem and Arthit told me what had happened a couple of days ago with Knott and N'Tew. I don't blame the nong for acting like he was the other day. What I don't understand about the whole incident is why Bright was all mama bear with N'Tew. I know my crazy-ass friend can be protective, but it was just odd to see him being protective of a nong and when he called Knott out on his shit Bright shocked the hell out of me.

"You ok?" I ask, trying for nonchalant, "Your parents?"

"So you know?" Knott looks at me.

"I know you went home after a fight with N'Tew," I shrug, "That is all. Is there more?"

"How did you tell your parents you liked guys?" Knott questions.

"My parents kind of already knew," I say, trying to remember, "I think I just always talked about boys, so when I said I had a boyfriend, they just went with it." Wait. Is Knott going to tell his parents? Oh, wow! "Are you thinking of telling your parents?" I have to ask.

"Already did," Knott sighs.

"When?" I sit up, looking at Knott, "Did you go home yesterday to tell them that?"

"I went home yesterday because of it," Knott groans putting his head down on his desk. I don't know if he is aware of Arthit and Prem taking a seat behind him, but both frown when he says that.

"You told your parents?" Arthit asks, making Knott jump. "When?"

Knott turns and glares at Arthit. "I thought you would be all happy I manned up and did it."

"Don't blame this on me," Arthit growls, "I told you to talk to N'Tew about WHEN you were going to tell your parents. I didn't tell you to TELL them now."

"Whoa. Back up," I tell Knott, "You went home because you did?" Knott nods his head. "So you told them how?"

"I called my mom and told her," Knott sighs.

"Are you fvcking stupid?" Prem shouts, making other students turn and look at us.

"Why the hell would you do that over the damn phone?" Arthit hisses. "I am with Ai'Prem. Are you an idiot?"

"Speaking of idiots. Where is Ai'Bright?" I ask. I look about for our wayward friend. Where is he?

"We are dealing with this idiot, not that one," Prem scolds. "Answer the question, Ai'Knott."

"I called my mom to tell her to stop talking about blind dates," Knott explains, "I also told her I was seeing someone, and when we were ready, I would introduce them to her."

"Ok," I nod. "So how did that conversation segway into 'Mom, I am gay' then?"

"N'Tew was walking out on me," Knott says, looking down at his hands, "I was afraid he was giving up on us, and the next thing I know, I am telling my mom I am dating a guy."

"That is fvcked up," Prem states.

"Tell me about it," Knott groans.

I knew these three would have to deal with their parents eventually. It was nice spending the weekend with Prem's parents. I wish all parents were as accepting. I look at Arthit and wonder how his parents will take it. Like Prem, he is the only child. Will they be as understanding?

"So they made you go home," Arthit continues the interrogation, "What did they say? Did they tell you to break up with him? What?"

"My parents just asked about N'Tew and me," Knott explains, "I told him about how we started dating and about N'Tew." Knott shrugs, "I was expecting them to tell me to break up with him, but they didn't. I don't know what they are thinking, really."

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now