Waited For Tomorrow

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Wad's POV

Closing the door behind me, I wait for Prem to explode. I look up when I hear something shatter against the wall. I knew I shouldn't have waited for tomorrow to tell Prem.

"Prem?" I call, making him turn to look at me. I feel as if someone kicked me in the chest when I see he is crying. I start towards him, but he holds up a hand to stop me. "I'm sorry," I mumble, looking away.

"I am not upset with you, Wad," Prem says, sitting down on the bed, "At least I am trying not to be. I know you had your reasons for not telling me about that woman."

Sitting next to Prem, I rest my head on his shoulder, "I figured what she did back home would be it. And I was going to tell you. I was just..."

Prem strokes my hair, "What upset P'Dear?" I sit up.

"He told you?" I ask, upset that P'Dear didn't keep his promise.

"He told me I should wait for you to tell me," Prem sighs, "Ai'Tutah told me about that woman throwing water on you and about her grabbing you by the hair."

"I need to remember close loopholes when I get people to make promises," I sigh. "P'Dear kept his promise."

"You should know by now we always find a weak point," Prem chuckles. "That is what engineers do."

"Yeah," I snort, "I should." Leaning my head back on his shoulder, I ask, "How mad are you?"

"I am furious," Prem growls, and I stiffen, "But not at you. At all the things I can't control." He takes my hand and interlaces our fingers. "I know I can't wrap you in cotton and keep you locked up, but I really do want to sometimes." Prem takes a deep breath before he continues. "I thought everything was over, but this family is not going to go down without a fight. Is it?"

"No," I sigh, "My father seems to have learned his place, but I never suspected P'Dean's mother to be so twisted."

"Are you going to answer my question?" Prem urges. "Ai'Tutah said he thought there was something more."

"There is," I say, laying back, "That woman told me she regretted missing the chance to remove me before I was even born."

"What?" Prem stands up, looking down at me.

"P'Dean's mother said when she was driving she saw my mom walking while she was pregnant with me one day," I put my arm over my eyes, "She says she regrets hesitating."

"Hesitating?" Prem moves my arm, making me look at him, "Hesitating about what?"

"Not running my mom down with her car," I respond wearily. "She said if she had done that, her life would be like it should be, and I would have never existed."

"That crazy woman is right about one thing," Prem growls, "You wouldn't have existed, but her life would not have been what she imagined." He looks down at me. "If she thinks that she is crazier than P'Dean. No wonder he is the monster he is." Prem runs his hand through his hair, "I am sure that sick woman filled his head with lies and anger, but that doesn't excuse his actions." He reaches down and strokes my cheek, "I want these people out of our lives forever."

"Me, too," I smile up at him placing my hand over his.

Prem turns and looks at the glass he threw, "I want you to press charges."

"If I do, I might have to go to another trial," I say, sitting up, "I don't want to have any more to do with them."

"Have you not learned?" Prem asks, going over to the closet to get the broom and dustpan. "You didn't press charges when P'Dean raped you, and look where that ended up. He kidnapped you and assaulted you again. Even your father had to be threatened with the authorities to make him leave you alone." He turns to look at me. "This is the only way that family will learn that you are not to be messed with, Wad."

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now