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Tew's POV

Knott has told me to go home before him, but I have decided to wait for him. It has been a while since we could walk back to the dorm, and I miss the quiet walk with my boyfriend. It always reminds me of the first night Knott walked me to my dorm.

"What are you still doing here?" Kong asks, walking up to me.

"Yeah," Wad puts in, "You left the library twenty minutes ago."

My friends drop their backpacks on the ground as they join me at the table. I shrug, resting my chin on my hand. They don't need to know the reason.

"Why are you still here?" I counter and smile when Wad shrugs also.

"Same reason you are," Kong smiles, "Waiting for the boyfriend." It seems like I am not the only one wanting to wait.

"Hey, I have a question," Jett says, joining us. I look at him, waiting for him to continue. We exchange looks when he doesn't.

"Do we have to guess the question?" Wad chuckles as he elbows Jett.

"Oh, hey," Kong interrupts, and we all look at who he is addressing. "Kammon, right?"

"Yeah," Kammon rubs his neck.

He seems to be trying to decide something. We haven't really hung out with him much. Kammon has only been dating P'Bright for a couple of weeks. I wonder how this is going to work. All of the rest of us are from the same faculty. Will he fit in?

"You are here for P'Bright, right," I ask, and Kammon nods. "Might as well join us then," I tell him, "They have another thirty minutes."

"P'Prem told me fifteen," Wad frowns.

"I was told twenty," Kammon adds, sitting down.

"Twenty-five," Jett and Kong say at the same time.

"Well, that narrows it down," Wad shakes his head. "You would think they would talk to each other about things like this."

"They probably didn't want the others to know," Kong grins.

"Probably," Wad agrees. "They can be so weird about stuff."

"So," Kammon looks at all of us, "Hi."

"Hi?" Kong chuckles, "That reminds me. How do we address you? P'Kammon?"

"Please don't," Kammon smiles, "That would make me feel old. Ai'Kammon or Ai'Kam would be fine with me. Maprang, May and Prae call me Kam."

"Ok," Kong smiles.

"Ai'Jett?" Wad lays his head down on his arms and looks at our friend. "What was your question?"

"Question?" Jett looks quizzically at Wad, and I hear Kong snort. It is easy to forget how smart Jett is when he acts like this.

"Before Ai'Kammon walked up, you said you had a question," I explain slowly as my friends hide their smiles.

"Oh, yeah," Jett laughs, "Have you guys had sex with your boyfriends yet?"

The silence at the table is deafening before Wad starts to crack up, followed by the rest of us.

"What is so funny?" Jett glares at us.

"Is this a normal conversation with your group?" Kammon looks at each of us, trying to gauge how to take this topic.

"No, it is not," Kong gasps, wiping his eyes, "Where did that come from, Ai'Jett?"

"Because I want to know?" Jett scowls. "I want to know if..." Jett trails off, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Know what?" I ask.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now