Things I Don't Normally Do

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Knott's POV

My friends and I barely got into class before Professor Suda locked the door. This professor is very strict about attendance. We are all laughing because Arthit had not met up with us at the canteen so we know we will see his face outside the locked door. We head to our usual corner only to be greeted by a grinning Arthit. Arthit Rojnapat was in class first. The world is going to end.

"Professor Suda," Tutah raises his hand, "May I go call my mother? I need to tell her I love her."

"What?" Professor Suda asks, "I am sure that can wait until after class N'Tutah. It is not like the world is going to end."

All of us turn and look at Arthit who wiggles his eyebrows at us. I really want to call my mom and tell her I love her because I am pretty sure it might actually end.

"Are you four going to take a seat," Professor Suda crosses her arms and begins to tap her foot. "Or do you wish to stand for the whole class? Decide now."

We all take our usual seats as Professor Suda begins the lesson.

Pink Milk: I am sure your mothers know you love them.

RBF: Funny asshole!

Papa Knott: Why are you early?

Toot: Who the hell woke you up?

Dim Bulb: Whose dorm did you stay at?

Pink Milk: You act as if I have never been early!

RBF: Answer the questions you little monster.

Pink Milk: Because I was up. Me. Mine OFC. HAPPY ASSHOLES!

We hear Professor Suda clear her throat and we look up. She is watching us on our phones. We put our phones away.

I turn to look at Arthit. He is not blushing, but I do notice the tips of his ears are red. I shake my head. He lied. But which question? I will ask him later. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and notice Arthit reaching for his. I pull out my phone and discreetly read the message.

Prem: Meet me in the library before labs. I will ask for a private study room.

Arthit: What about?

Knott: Bright? Tutah?

Prem: Just you two. We will have to lose them. Tell you there.

Arthit: K

Knott: OK

Arthit and I look at each other. He shrugs his shoulders and starts taking notes. I turn to look at Prem and find him ignoring the lecture as he looks out the window. What is wrong now?

One day. Can I have one day that I don't have to deal with drama? Please? I feel my phone buzz again in my pocket. I look at my friends to see who sent the message, but none of them have their phone out. I pull my phone out and fumble my phone when I see it is a message from N'Tew. I hear Arthit snort at me for almost dropping my phone. I look up to glare at him only to have him stick out his tongue at me. I look back at the message notification. Guess that one day I asked for will not be today.

0058 N'Tew: Having trouble with Calculus. Can you help me?

I stare at the message. My brain seems to have gone offline. Suddenly I feel a chin resting on my shoulder. Turning my head, I see Arthit reading my phone. I quickly shove his face back and cover my phone. I can hear him snickering beside me.

I turn and mouth, "I will tell Bright about someone having a crush on you."

He stops laughing and mouths back, "What the fvck! I will kill you!"

I answer back, "Don't give me crap then."

He turns away in a huff. I really wouldn't have told Bright, but I needed Arthit to back off. Now I know how he feels when I am all up in his business. Karma is a bitch.

My phone buzzes again, and I look to see another message from my troublesome nong.  When did I start thinking of him as MY nong?

0058 N'Tew: It is ok if you can't. I will ask Ai'Kong.

Now I feel guilty for ignoring his text.

Knott: Can't today. I have labs this afternoon.

0058 N'Tew: OK

I stare at his reply. I feel like I let him down. Stroking the screen as I let out a sigh. Turning I see Arthit smiling at me and wiggling his eyebrows. I reach over and tap Bright on the shoulder as I watch Arthit about to become unhinged.

"Yes, Ai'Knott," Bright turns to answer, "Need something?"

I smile at Arthit, "Do you have an eraser?" I ask just as Arthit is about to launch himself at me.

I hear Arthit growl, "Asshole."

"Sure," Bright answers as he hands me an eraser and turns back to the lecture.

I lay the eraser by my phone, and that is when I realize I am disappointed that I can't tutor N'Tew. I wonder if I can offer tomorrow. Would he still want me to tutor him? How would I ask him? Do I want to be that close to him? Can I? I still haven't quite figured out what is going on with me when it comes to N'Tew. If I didn't know that I would get crap from Arthit, I would be banging my head on my desk right now. What is it about N'Tew that makes me do things I don't normally do?

Tew's POV

"Are you texting in class," Maprang whispers to Tew. "You? The Class President? I mean that is a thing you normally don't do."

I roll my eyes at Maprang. Just because I am the class president doesn't mean I can't text in class.

"Who are you texting?" Prae asks. "Who is she?"

"I am not telling you," I tease Prae then add, "I was just making plans to get tutoring for calculus is all."

"Oh," Maprang giggles, "That makes more sense."

I shake my head as I look at my phone waiting for a reply from P'Knott. I don't know why I asked him to tutor me. I see that the message was read, but he hasn't replied. Maybe I shouldn't have asked him as a third year I am sure he is busy. No reply yet. I send another message.

Tew: It is ok if you can't. I will ask Ai'Kong.

P'Knott: Can't today. I have labs this afternoon.

Looking at his reply, I realize I am disappointed. I had just asked him to tutor me. I really didn't know why I had. I have studied with Kong before, but for some reason, I had wanted to study with P'Knott.

Tew: OK

I pocket my phone and get back to taking notes. But I somehow can't shake the feeling of being let down.

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#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now