Your Drunk Ass

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Tew's POV

Oh, why the hell does my head feel like this? I move to get up only to find I can't move at all. I try to look down, but all I can see is a duvet. I turn my head to the side and see a sleeping P'Knott leaning against the wall. His hair is going in every direction. Why is he sleeping there? How the hell did he get in my room? Oh shit! I am not in my room! I am in Knott's!

I pray to the gods that I didn't do anything embarrassing, but I think that is a wasted prayer because if I am here, I am pretty sure I did.

Why can't I move? I try to wiggle out of whatever is around me. "Shit," I scream as I roll off the bed and land on the floor in front of P'Knott. Waking up, he frowns at me.

He stands up as he continues to scowl at me. Reaching down, he lifts me off the floor to set me back on the bed before he walks away. This is not good, and can someone; please remove my head? I am never drinking again. Ever!

I finally realize P'Knott's duvet is what is tightly wrapped around me. Huh? Was I cold last night? P'Knott walks back with a glass of water and pain medicine. He holds the glass for me to drink and puts the pill in my mouth. Setting the glass down, he runs his hand through his hair. That is when I notice he has hickeys on his neck. Who the hell put those there?

"P'Knott," I say quietly, "Why am I wrapped up like this?"

"I don't know," he replies, "What could you have possibly done to be wrapped up like that?"

I blink at him, trying to remember last night. Shit! I should never drink. I can't remember anything. Nothing.

"I don't know." I sigh.

He gapes at me and leans down, grabbing something off the floor. He holds up the shirt he was wearing yesterday. Why the hell is it ripped?

"Did we fight?" I ask hesitantly. I know I was mad, but why would I pick a physical fight with him. Is that why his hair looks like that? Maybe those aren't hickeys.

"A fight," he laughs, "Seriously, Tew? How can you not remember ripping off my shirt? You were chanting 'naked' as you tore it off, then you climbed in my lap latching onto me like a leech," he says as he points at his neck. He runs his hand through his hair and sighs.

"The only way I could control you was to wrap you up like that," P'Knott groans, "Otherwise, our first time would have been while you were completely plastered!"

It is my turn to gape at my boyfriend. I did WHAT! No wonder he looks totally harassed. How can I not remember any of this? I would hide, but I can't move.

Standing me up as he unwinds his duvet from around me, "Go take a shower. You stink like alcohol. I will go get food." I nod meekly. "And if you ever drink again, I am breaking up with your drunk ass! Got it?" I nod again.

P'Knott's POV

I sit down on the bed after Tew walks into the bathroom. Last night was a test of my will. Having your boyfriend climb all over you and try to strip you naked was not something I thought I would have to deal with. I almost gave in when he crawled in my lap, wrapping his legs around me as he left a path of hickeys down my neck. After I confined him in the duvet, I watched him finally fall asleep. I realized how badly I wanted him. I went into this not knowing if I really could desire a man but last night removed any doubt I had. I crave him.

I look at my bathroom as I hear the water come on. Going to my closet, I get a change of clothes for Tew. I quietly opened the door and lay them on the sink. I can see the outline of his body through the shower curtain in the mirror. I sigh as I close the door, resting my head against it. I wonder if Tew would be ok with leveling up our relationship? But we just started dating. Groaning, I grab a shirt and leave to get food.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now