Author's Note

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Thank you to everyone who has viewed and voted on my story. 

I just hit 1k views and over 100 votes :)

Now onto my frustration: Fair warning this will be a ramble.  

OK... I am trying to figure out how to deal with the Ai', N', and P' in this story. In my world, we don't really have age/friend honorifics we just use the name. IE. Wad, Prem and so on... I mean I am the person who even calls not only my boss but my boss's boss by their first name instead of Dr. XXX as everyone else does and everyone just gets that that is what I do. My lack of formality is screwing with me when I write. I have to remind myself to use them. 

I usually keep with the appropriate honorific of the POV. 

Example if it is Prem's 

N'Wad, Ai'Arthit

Why am I bothering to worry about this? Well coming from more than 10 years of watching Asian dramas I actually get mad when subbers don't use terms they should. 

For example, in a Korean drama, the actor uses the word oppa, eonni, ajumma, or nuna and the subber just puts the characters name. That is not what they said. I prefer if they just use the Korean term. It is not like my brain hasn't picked up on the term and can't relate. Which is why I end up editing subs sometimes.

In fact, when I am writing this I have 2Moons playing on loop for some reason. I can't watch SOTUS because I am paused in the timeline to fit my story in. I only check an episode/book when I am trying to find time references. As much as I love JayBL and adore Delightful. I catch myself frowning when they skip the honorifics because I heard it. But will be eternally grateful these two individuals that gave their time to sub the shows they have subbed. I have subbed shows before normally as QC and know how time-consuming it is. 

Great I wandered off my thought...(Welcome to my brain)

Back to the Ai', N', and P'

Do I use it only when a character is speaking about or thinking about said, individual? Or do I use it throughout?


"Ai'Aim, what the hell," Oak whined. "You died. Are you even paying attention to the game? That is the third time you have died." 

Ai'Aim is used but Oak is just Oak. 

Since this is Aim's POV Should I use: 

"Ai'Aim, what the hell," Ai'Oak whined. "You died. Are you even paying attention to the game? That is the third time you have died."

I am so confused!!!  And does a guy use Ai' towards a friend who is a girl? Like if Aim said Maprang would he say Ai'Maprang? 

Opinions would be appreciated :)

*Thanks for putting up with my insanity :)

551 3-31-19

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now