When I Am The Happiest

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Prem's POV

"Are you still sulking?" I ask, putting my bag down by the bed.

"I am not sulking," Wad pouts.

"Then what do you call it, Wad?" I turn and look at him. "I don't want to fight with you. I am tired of us being like this."

"Me, too," Wad sighs.

"How about we don't talk about the trial today and go on a date," I suggest.

"A date?" Wad looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "What kind of date?"

"Go out to eat or something," I shrug, and Wad chuckles. "What?"

"We go out to eat at least once a day, if not twice, and if we meet up in the canteen, that makes three times," Wad says, shaking his head. "I mean, we are almost together 24/7. Except for class and the times we spend with friends, we are always with each other."

He is right. I sit down on the bed. How does one date when you are together all the time? I wonder what the rest of the guys do with their boyfriends.

"Is it a bad thing we are together all the time?" I ask.

"No," Wad replies, sitting next to me. "I am beginning to feel like an old married couple, though."

"Funny," I bump his shoulder, "Honey, wants for dinner?"

"I don't know, dear. How was your day?" Wad teases back.

"You know when I am the happiest?" I sigh, laying back on the bed.

"No," Wad lays back with me, "When?"

"Times like this," I slip my arm under his head and pull him close. "Just being with you."

"Same," Wad rolls on his side and snuggles up against me. "Can we just stay like this for a bit?"

"I would like that," I kiss the top of his head.

I wake up still in my school uniform with Wad wrapped around me

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I wake up still in my school uniform with Wad wrapped around me. I can't believe we both fell asleep. But considering how my nights have been lately, I sort of understand. Wad never remembers his nightmares, and they have been increasing the closer the trial gets.

I carefully roll Wad over and get up, flexing the arm that was under his head. It has fallen asleep. Looking at Wad, I debate if I should let him continue sleeping in his uniform or wake him up to change. Brushing the hair out of his face, I smile when he unconsciously follows my touch. He is like a cat sometimes.

Getting up, I pull him up on the bed, tucking him. Wad needs his sleep. He might night remember his nightmares, but he is still exhausted from them.

Walking over to the shelf, I pick up the envelope that has caused so much trouble for us. I pull out the paper and read it through for the millionth time. How much is Wad going to have to tell the court? Will he have to say it all out? I feel like screaming. Once again, P'Dean is going hurt Wad, and this time, there will be a courtroom full of witnesses. It is not fair.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now