Without A Word

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Arthit's POV

Finally, that fvcking exam is over and tonight is date night. Kong had promised me a movie after I sat the exam. Reaching his dorm, I pull out the key he had slipped to me today at lunch and smile. Sliding the key in, I unlock the door but hesitate before I turn the knob. Should I knock? But if Kong wanted me to knock, why would he have given me keys? I groan as I lean my head on his door. Why can't I go one day without wishing dating came with a rule book. I seriously want one. I glance down at the knob that is still in my hand. Screw it. I am going in.

"Kong?" I call as I enter. I hear the shower in the bathroom and give a slight knock as I call out again, "Kong, I am here."

"Ok," Kong yells from the bathroom, "I just got in P'. You are early."

"I know," I smile at the door. "Take your time."

"Ok," He replies, "There is pink milk in the fridge for you."

Opening the refrigerator, I laugh. How much pink milk did Kong buy? The bottled stuff is not as good as what you get at the stalls, but pink milk is pink milk. Grabbing a bottle, I walk around Kong's room as I sip my drink, looking at things on his shelves.

I find a picture of us that Prem took at the Thank You party. I can't believe he caught us kissing, but I love the picture. Seeing Kong's laptop next to the picture, I wonder if I should check to see if the scores have been posted for my test yet.

"Kong?" I yell, "I am going to check to see if my score is posted yet, ok?"

"OK, P'," Kong answers, "Laptop is on the desk."

I open up the laptop and click on the browser. It was already open behind the paper Kong was working on before he took his shower. It seems he was watching videos before he worked on his homework. About to open another tab, I stop. The frozen image on the video makes my jaw drop. What the hell? I read the title of the video, feeling my face get warm.

Looking from the screen to the bathroom door and back again, I debate about hitting play. The shower is still going, so how would Kong know? I make a mental note of the video time before I hit play. Where is the sound? Oh, headphones. I put them on and then wish I hadn't when all I hear is moaning.

I peer at the screen. How do you get in that position? I tilt my head as I am trying to figure out how that guy contorted himself like that. My head goes the other direction as if that would give me a better view of what is happening on the screen. Why would he do that? Oh. Umm... wow. That will fit where? Seriously? No way.

I glance back to the door when I feel something heavy fall. Kong is lying on the floor, all wet from the shower. I see his lips moving, but I can't hear him, so I unplug the headphones, forgetting what is playing. The room fills with moaning and grunting, and I look at the laptop and back to Kong as I try to make my brain work, desperately banging the laptop, trying to stop the video.

"P'," Kong begins, "I... umm... I..."

"I can explain!" I blurt out.

"Yeah," Kong nods, "I can explain."

We stare at each other for a moment as I slowly close the laptop, stopping the video's audio. OK. I don't know about Kong. I might be able to explain this, but I sure as hell don't want to talk about this right now. Or ever.

"I forgot something at my dorm," I say as I stand up, "Why don't you finish getting ready, and I will be right back." I run out before he can answer.

Kongpop's POV

P'Arthit showed up early for our date. Smiling, knowing he had used the key I gave him today. I am rushing to finish my shower so we can go on our date. The last time we had a planned date, it ended in a drunk disaster. Tonight I wasn't going to do anything to upset him.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now