American Dreams

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"The least I can do?"

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"The least I can do?"

"Thanks for doing this," Archie says after Mickey helps him sit up in his bed. "Ever since Joaquin's little brother stabbed me, I've been on these meds that knock me out for hours."

Mickey rubs the top of his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. You go get dressed and I'll bring the paint cans over to the Coopers.' I'll be back in a few."

After grabbing the two paint cans Fred left by the front door for Archie to take over to Alice, Mickey exits the Andrews' home and crosses the yard to get on the Coopers' soon-to-be-former yard. She stops when she notices the door is slightly ajar. Both of her hands are occupied, so she kicks it lightly so that it opens completely. "Alice?" Mickey calls out. She walks further into the home, "Fred bought some—" she pauses when she sees the Joneses. "What's going on here?"

Alice takes the paint cans from Mickey. Happily, she states, "These will fix up that wall perfectly."

Mickey turns to to see the wall by the windows completely charred. Then she looks at Jughead, "I'm so confused. Why are you guys here?"

"I cannot believe you sold our house to the Joneses!" Betty shrieks.

"You what?!"

Jughead's eyes widen when his girlfriend's eyes are on him again, "Not to me," he clarifies at the same time as FP.

"I bought it," Gladys states. "I made an all-cash offer online."

Jughead stuffs his hands into his jacket pockets. "Mom, we can't move in here."

"Why the hell not?" she looks at him with a muddled expression.

"Well, because it's Betty's house," he answers obviously.

FP joins the conversation when Gladys gives him a look that asks for help. "There's definitely been some sort of misunderstanding. I think we should all just walk away from this."

"That won't be necessary," Alice shakes her head. "At least not as far as I'm concerned."

Betty throw her hands up impatiently, "Mom!"

"No, Elizabeth," she deadpans. "This house is my past, and I just want to be done with it."

When Mickey realized that Alice has her mind made and there's no chance of her backing out of this deal, she walks out of that house.

"Mick, wait!" Jughead jogs to catch up to her and grabs her hand when he does. "We're obviously not going to move in."

"How much you wanna bet?"

"She's right," Betty appears beside them. "My mom wants to sell it and your mom wants to buy it. The deed is done." She turns to Mickey and firmly says, "I swear I knew nothing about this. This wasn't some kind of ploy, or-or—"

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