That's My Job, Nong

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Prem's POV

I am waiting for my friends to come to the meeting room. We decided to skip lunch to discuss P'Dean now that Wad knows everything. I wanted to install an app on Wad's phone that would let me track him, but I don't want to come off as a stalker boyfriend, and what if someone hacked his phone. I groan as I run my hands through my hair.

Hearing the door open, I look up and see everyone walk in. Bright and Tutah seem to be harassing Arthit and Knott. For once, Knott appears to be about to kill Bright.

"What took you guys so long?" I snap. "This is important, and Wad is alone right now."

"He is not alone," Knott rolls his eyes at me. "He is probably with his friends at the canteen and everyone else who is at lunch right now."

"You know what I mean," I growl. "And why are you wearing a turtle neck? Aren't you hot?"

"Yeah," Bright chimes in with a wicked smile, "Why are you? I am dying to know."

"Do you want to die today?" Knott threatens.

"Knock it off, Ai'Bright," Arthit puts in. "Leave him alone."

"Ai'Arthit, why do you look like you didn't get any sleep last night," Tutah asks with a smile. "Did N'Kongpop get his wish? Did he get to see his P'..."

"Shut it," Arthit growls, cutting Tutah off. "One more word, and I will beat your toot ass!"

Bright and Tutah start laughing and singsonging, "My P' naked. P'Knott naked. P'Arthit naked. My P' naked." Arthit starts to chase after them, only to be stopped by Knott. I guess I missed something this weekend. What is up with them being naked, and if it involves Knott and Arthit naked, do I really want to know?

"I don't have time for your games," I glare at Tutah and Bright. "I told N'Wad this weekend." That shut them up, and they sit down.

"How did he take it?" Tutah asks with genuine concern on his face. I look at my friends.

"That well," Arthit breathes. "What does he want to do?"

"He wants to tell his friends," I explain, "He agreed with you, Ai'Arthit. Them not knowing the whole story is dangerous, and he wants them to know. He also wants you all to be there, too."

"The girls, too," Bright questions.

"No, not the girls," I frown as I reply to him, "But after last time, Wad is afraid they won't care who else they hurt as long as he gets hurt. That is why the others need to know."

"Last time?" Bright quizzes. "When was that? The time at the basketball court?

"The day you skipped on lunch," Tutah puts in. "You never told us where you were."

"I was at the Economics canteen," Bright offers.

"Why the hell did you go there!?!" I yell at Bright.

"Calm down, Ai'Prem," Knott says as he also glares at Bright.

"I am the only one of us that wanders other faculties," Bright begins to explain. "I chatted up a freshman from Economics the night before and went there to talk with her and..."

"And what?" Arthit scowls, crossing his arms. This is not going to be good.

"And scope this bastard out," Bright waves his hand at us, "And before you yell at me, I got information about him and his group."

"Why do we have this idiot in our group!" I scream at nobody.

"You know I am not an idiot, Ai'Prem," Bright stands up and snarls, "So stop treating me like one!"

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now