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Long ago, 100 years to be exact, there was a revelation. A revelation the likes of which that it shook the entire planet to it's very core. December 21, 2012 also known as the day the populous of Earth was divided in half. There were those of whom that welcomed the revelation, but there was also another, much larger portion of people who feared the revelation and acted against it with a violence unlike any this world had seen. It was the day that the elder race known as demons stepped out of the shadows and into the light of day proclaiming their existence for all to see.

Demon, also known as Primogenitus Dæmonium, are a race that have existed just as long as the planet itself. They however admit to not entirely being friendly in that the percentages of demons willing to live side beside along humans was less than 4%. However in exchange for full citizenship into whatever country they so chose to occupy the demons would agree to aiding the governments of said countries to defend their people against their less friendly cousins. The United Nations (UN) at first refused the aid of the demons going so far as to call them fakes in the most elaborate hoax in our civilazation's history and sentenced the known demons to live on large chain of deserted islands in the south Pacific under military supervision. The demons made no objection and complied willingly to live on their islands now known as Devil's Chain until such a time as they might have been needed.

37 days after the demons were sentenced to the Devil's Chain a strange occurrence happened that brought down seven international airliners in succession. It was soon discovered that the resulting disasters were caused by a massive bird with the wingspan larger than that of a commercial airliner. Several attempts were made to bring the bird down with fighter jets with nothing to show for it as the bird brought down every plane that dared take to the sky. Finally a representative of the demons on the Devil's Chain arrived at a UN meeting and offered to bring the bird down for them and claimed that he and the others residing on Devil's Chain had been protection the human race from creatures such as it for generations. The representative only asked that he and his fellow demons on the The Chain be recognized as citizens of their own nation--as they'd already begun building a respectable society on the Chain--and that they be afforded their own seat among the United Leaders and that they be allowed to immigrate to other countries should a citizen wish to do so.

The representative's conditions for helping the UN were met with hostility and accusations that the bird was their doing and labeled blackmail as well as an act of war. The representative was seized and kept under lock and key by the United Nations while a message was sent to the Chain demanding that the demons in charge call off the massive bird or they would be declaring war against the rest of the world. A second representative by the name of Ariana arrived at the UN and stated that they were not the enemy and they only wished to possess the same rights as any human had, when these arrangements were made she and her fellow demons would gladly rid the skies of the bird which had now taken down over twenty-two planes both military and commercial. Ariana was charged with treason for not calling off the bird and was about to be arrested when word got to the UN that the bird had been brought down.

Another demon had revealed himself to the world that day, a hero to some, a villain to most because when he revealed himself he had not hidden his true appearance but chose to reveal that was in face a very real demon and not a hoax. He was reported to have black skin with red veins all along his body that shone as brightly as fire. All along his body were black rippling spikes described to resemble that of a fire frozen in time surrounding a blue tinged face that resembled a humans save for the small scales that dotted his cheeks. He stood on top of the dead bird with a large curved blade for an arm unafraid of showing his true self to the humans that had gathered around to look upon him. When the images reached the United Nations they instructed Ariana to go back to her islands and the representative before her was released that same day, before the one that had slain the bird was brought before them in a meeting that would be streamed live across the globe. This is noted by most historians to be the day when the war began.

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