Final Arc - Chapter 3

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"So from what I gather; you fear becoming like your father, yet at the same time you hold him up as a figure." Zhione said while she looked over her notes. Leon was about to protest but she held up a hand. "I wasn't finished. You hold him as a figure of what not to be. Kayos for you as hell is for many human religions. An eternity of agony and despair so you do everything in your power to ensure that he never happens again.

"You told me that the two of you actually fought not so long ago." Leon nodded his head as the memory of that battle within Bjorn's world came to mind. "Were you satisfied with the outcome?"


"Why not?"

"Because I don't remember what happened." Leon said with a sigh. "Whether I won or lost it doesn't matter to me, I just need to know what happened."

"Have you asked him?" 

"Why the hell would I do that?"

"It'd bring you closure." Zhione said clicking her pen over and over. "Don't you think you deserve that? Some closure on that part of your life? You seem like you really don't care about the result of the fight but you want to know what actually happened.  Why? Because Kayos has lost his power, you will never get the chance to face him again in battle. At least you won't be able to face him and feel good about the outcome."

Leon looked down at the floor just then. Was that really the reason, he wondered. Kayos was little more than a human at this point, all of his strength and power has left him. He couldn't even heal quickly anymore let alone fight at the level a demon of his rank should be able to.  Maybe Zhinoe was right. All his life Leon just wanted one fair shot and fighting Kayos, and the one time he got it something happened and it left him unsure of what actually happened. He'd woken up after it which made it seem like he lost it, but it was after that fight when Kayos began acting differently when Leon was around him. 

"Maybe you're right." He said plainly looking up at her. "Kayos- he's always been a problem for me. He's always been holding me back, if not physically than-"

Leon paused just then and Zhione reacted as well to the sound of a voice so loud and powerful the picture frames trembled along the wall. "LEON!"

That single word, made Leon's throat close on himself and he was on his feet in an instant, running out of the office so fast that the door on Zhione's office was ripped off of it's hinges. He flew past his car, knowing that he'd get back home far faster if he ran than he would if he drove. Leon found a straight road and sprinted as fast as he could down it headed straight for home. Block after block of houses and buildings flew by him in a blur of motion as he turned took sharp turns as effortlessly as he would if he were walking. 

What the hell's going on he was asking himself. Natalia wouldn't just scream like that for no reason, something's wrong! Was it Nix? Did something happen to their son? A barrage of images and scenarios flew through his head as he hurried through the city. What if he was sick, demons don't get sick but what if he somehow was? What if something happened, something fell on him and hurt him? If he had some kind of reaction to something and his throat closed on him?

The horrors that were playing through in his head were awful and Leon found his body beginning to tremble as he ran through the streets until he finally reached a familiar looking neighborhood. There was smoke and once he saw that, Leon found himself gaining another burst of speed, flying through the streets until he stopped right in front of his house now left a complete ruin. Natalia was beside the ruin of one of the neighbors' house, and there was a group of people standing in the middle of the street. Some he didn't know, others he did and he couldn't believe his own eyes when he saw Kane standing among the group.

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