Final Arc - Chapter 5

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Leon's fist closed in on itself, his fingers breaking through the concrete of the ground and breaking it as his hand curled into a fist. The pain coming from his all but absent chest was maddening but- he had to get through it... Pushing himself up from the ground, with wet dripping sounding from below as his innards fell to the ground. He was gritting his teeth so hard now that it was a wonder they didn't shatter on themselves. He was finally up to his hands and knees just that act alone was enough to make him feel as though he'd just run for a week straight. He was feeling dizzy but he had to get up, he had to get Nix! He had to...

Just then his arm buckled and he fell flat on his front. He let out a loud snarling sound as his fists hit the ground and with a trembling body he forced his way back up, this time managing to get up to a kneeling position. His body was trembling and Leon's vision was beginning to fall in on itself, but to prevent himself from passing out he brought his hand up smacking the gaping wound in his chest. That sent a bolt of pain through him and Leon's eyes flashed before a bright surge of power rushed through his chest before he knew it the hole had sealed itself. 

Now Leon fell back into a sitting position and he was taking in wild gasps for air as the organs within his body had now suddenly reappeared. While this was going on the others around him began to stir and Leon turned his head to see Natalia was struggling to get up. Without even thinking he raced over to her and helped her to her feet. She though buried her head into his chest and her nailed were digging into his skin but he made no move to stop her, because that bit of discomfort was nothing compared to what she must've felt. She'd been here with him, yet even with her here she wasn't able to keep their little boy from being taken.

All Leon knew he could do was merely wrap his arms around her and hope that she didn't blame herself, because he sure didn't. After fighting them all himself, he knew exactly how strong they were. When Natalia's hands finally laxed themselves, she looked up at him and Leon pressed his forehead to hers. In that moment the bond between them did all the communication for them, no words were needed, they knew what the other felt and they both knew exactly what they had to do...

"We're getting him back." He said aloud.

"I wouldn't rush into this." A voice said off to the side, and when Leon looked over he found himself looking at the small frame of Quinn. He didn't look thrilled about being where he was, as if he were doing something he really didn't want to do but why would he feel that way? Unless... "I- just thought you should hear this from me is all."

Leon moved so fast he was completely invisible to even the eyes of the other demons around them. He made to grab the smaller demon by the collar of his shirt only for his hand to go right through him. Leon's eyes went wide with shock as he tried again to grab him only for his hand to pass right through Quinn's body as though he weren't even there. That only confirmed it in Leon's mind that he had something to do with this, and his canines were aching as they grew in length, his eyes now burning with red fire as he glared at this image of Quinn before him. 

"Where is my son?" He demanded loud enough for his voice to echo off the nearby buildings that were still partially standing. 

"He's safe, they have no intention of harming an innocent life. They only want-"

"Who is 'they' Quinn?" Natalia piped in her eyes burning with the same fire as Leon's only hers were burning purple. "Who are these sick bastards that took my son?"

Quinn looked at Natalia and spoke, but his voice crackled as though he were talking on a radio that was losing signal. But when he tried again his voice came through fairly clearly. "You two are making it hard to maintain this." He said in a somewhat strained tone. "I can't- keep it up if you two keep letting your power spill out like this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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