Chapter 70 - The Gloves Are Off

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This will be a pretty short chapter, but I think that once you get to the end you're going to love this. Also I wasn't sure how to do the POV's this time, so I'm kind of going to just describe the fight as it happens with POV-esque portions throughout. It may be a bit confusing but I'll do my best to make it clear when these are happening.

Legion let out a roar before he caught Leon with a hard with a punch that drove him into the ground, folding up bits of stone and kicking up a wave of dust that hid Leon from sight. Legion let out a snarl as he grabbed Leon and ripped him from the earth a stream of dust trailing after him as he was hoisted up. Leon looked like he was still trying to fight but his body just couldn't match his determination as his hands pitifully struck Legion's wrist. The large demon's face showed no remorse however as he brought back his fist ready to break Leon once and for all.

Just before Legion could finish the fight however there was a high pitched whisking sound followed up immediately by the squishing sound of a blade going through flesh.  Legion's eyes went wide as a roar of pain erupted from his mouth. Leon was dropped to the ground while the hand they held up up was trying in vain to get at whatever it was that had bitten into Legion's hide. He spun around and brought his arm around in a wide sweeping motion expecting something to be behind him. There was nothing, but with every movement of his arms Legion felt a searing pain shoot all throughout his body from his shoulder blades.

He wailed as Legion reached over his shoulder but it was his own muscles that were preventing him from reaching the cold fangs that were biting into him. They were too bulky for him to be able to reach back far enough to get at the pain. Legion was roaring his frustration to the world when he heard a sharp whistle that brought his attention to the Typhon who was standing several meters away. Stopping in his attempts to remove the swords Legion let out an angry roar as he charged Typhon with the intent of taking out the pain on him.

He didn't even make it three steps before Typhon snapped his fingers and an absolutely awful pain quite literally exploded in his back. Legion let out an animal-like wail, falling to his knees before a pillar of smoke began to rise from his back. His vision had gone slightly blurry but the sight of Typhon spreading his arms and even more swords appearing around him made Legion's head clear in an instant. He charged the smaller demon as a wave of blades came flying at him.

Legion brought up his arm to cover his face from the blades, sparks dancing all across his body as they bounced off of his hide with the sound of metal on stone. The wave of blades were coming so fast now that even covering up Legion was stopped in his tracks as the blades continued flying at him until finally they achieved what the first two had accomplished and pierced his hide. Legion let out a pained cry as he actually began to back away from the seemingly endless assault of blades.

Finally they stopped coming but only after there was no visible part of Legion's bide left, he was completely paralyzed by the sheer number of blades that were in him now. He couldn't even see the light he was so riddled with blades, but he could still hear the clicking of someone's tongue followed by the sound of fingers snapping.

There wasn't even time to think before all the swords that had bitten into Legion's hide went off in a simultaneous explosion. Legion's tolerance for pain was being put to the test as he fell flat on his face after the initial blast. As of now he was completely surrounded by an impenetrable wall of smoke. Everything hurt, from his toes, right up to the crown of his head it was just hurting. There were no words to describe it other than hurt, and it fueled the already blazing inferno that was his anger.

Curling his fingers into a fist Legion picked himself up from the ground and like the times before his muscles rippled and pulsated until they rapidly expanded until they were twice the size that they'd been a moment before. Legion growled as he took a deep breath, and on the exhale his muscles slowly deflated until they had returned to their original size. His body was giving him the strength to match the amount of pain he'd just experienced and he had every intention of using it on Typhon.

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