Chapter 37 - Gods of Strength

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Kayos crashed through the wall of one of the nearby buildings and had completely upended everything that had been in the way. He got up and began shaking his left arm that he'd used to block Kane's attack. He thought he'd get the better of that exchange but Kane's reach gave him the advantage that he needed against Kayos. As for the demon himself, Kane was still somewhere among the rooftops where exactly Kayos didn't know after being driven through a wall.

Kayos knowing full well that Kane wasn't going to hold back this time-as they'd both agreed-decided now was a good of a time as any to try and build up his power in his hands. Bringing his fists together Kayos took a deep breath and began to focus on pouring all of his power into his fists. Whether or not this would actually work Kayos didn't know, he'd hit Kane before with this attack and though it slowed him down it didn't finish him. In fact it seemed more like he only succeeded in getting the big demon even angrier than he was before.

There were small red sparks beginning to form around Kayos' hands when he noticed a loud whirring sound. He stopped what he was doing and looked to where he thought the sound had come from and was greeted to a bright red flash. Kayos' eyes went wide as he turned to his right and ran as fast as he could toward the nearest window. Bursting through the glass Kayos turned around to see what exactly had just happened and found himself looking at what he could only describe as a dark red laser shooting right through the building.

What in the hell was that, he thought as he landed on the nearest building tumbling head over heel several times before finally coming to a halt. He scanned all around the building for any signs of the humans getting involved with some of their anti-demon guns but he saw absolutely no sign of them anywhere. Not only that but as far as Kayos knew the humans weren't that close to actually developing a weaponized laser, nor should they have been for some time.

Kayos' eyes went up as he saw a figure jump up onto the building that Kayos had just been in. "There you are!" Kane's voice called out from the roof. "I was hoping that one shot would've killed you but I guess that was wishful thinking." Kane raised his arm so that his palm was facing Kayos before it began to glow much like it did back in the forest. "No matter I'll just fire another, much larger, Dreg'End rei Ha."

Kayos' eyes went even wider when he saw the red glow around Kane's hand actually take a form of an orb before it expanded into a blast that was nearly thirty feet wide. Damn it! Kayos wasn't fast enough to cover that much ground with so little time but since the Kane was shooting downward the blast would be nearly as tall as it was wide. With that in mind Kayos jumped clearing the blast just in time as it hit the roof where Kayos was standing and completely obliterating it.

"That wasn't very smart Kayos!" Kane called out bringing Kayos' attention back to his opponent and found that he was already aiming another one of those blasts. The next part Kane said all in Demonspeak. "Perish with the Demon's Kiss of Death."

His hand lit up like a flare before the massive blast came at Kayos. It seemed to be moving in slow motion to him though as it drew nearer and nearer until finally... Kayos let out an agonizing wail as the blast finally reached him. The pain that he felt was unlike anything he'd ever felt before as piece by painful piece he was being blown apart. Until finally there was nothing left of him but ashes being blown in the wind.

Kayos took in a sharp gasp of breath as he shut up to his feet from where Kane had knocked him into one of the nearby buildings. His hands quickly went to his face making sure that it was still there before he made his way down to the rest of his body. A vision, he thought letting out a sigh of relief. That's all that was, just a vision. He'd seen his death before on more than one occasion and had been able to prevent it, but no matter how many times he'd seen it Kayos was always shook when he saw his death.

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