Chapter 43 - Vega's Legacy

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This chapter is all over the place I'm sorry but there's a lot of set up before the action starts.


Leon was slowly blinking himself awake to the sound of a heart monitor's steady beeping sounding right beside his head. He turned his head over to look at it and saw the fast but steady beeps of his heart as it registered on the machine. Just above the heart monitor he saw two plastic bags each holding a bit of clear liquid that he hoped to god was only water. He sat up and felt an awful tightening feeling in his chest as he felt hand grab his shoulders and push him back down. He turned his head to look at who'd just held him down and was met with two purple eyes looking down at him and he smiled when he saw that it was Natalia.

"What's going on babe?" He asked in a voice so hoarse that he didn't even realize that it was his until his throat started scratching.

He was hit by a fit of coughing, and with each cough it felt like someone had taken a sledge hammer to his rib cage. Natalia though helped him sit up just a bit as she put a cup of ice water in front of him which he gladly took. The water felt amazing on his rough scratchy throat and even more so when a few drops trickled down onto his chest which felt like it was on fire. Finally after draining the entire cup Natalia help him lie back down as gently as she could and she cupped his face with both of her hands.

"Don't do that to me ever again do you hear me?" She said with glossy eyes but she fought back the tears from escaping. "You scared me to death."

"Why, what'd I do?" Leon asked with a slightly less hoarse voice looking up at her. "Nat, what am I doing in the hospital?"

"You had a heart attack." Said a deep and clear voice that Leon instantly recognized as Kayos' voice. His dazed confusion switched over to an annoyed aggression that Leon wanted to show but he felt so physically drained that he jut couldn't bring himself to do or say anything snarky. Kayos raised his eyebrow as if he were just as shocked by the fact that Leon hadn't said anything as he was. "You must really be hurting if you don't even have anything to say to me."

"Well, what can I say? I'm just not feeling like my self" Leon said licking his lips and turning to Natalia. "Can you get me some more water?"

Natalia looked up at Kayos with distrusting eyes, having been told all the gory details of everything that went on between Leon and his sperm donor. But again Leon just wasn't feeling up to being his usual self, that last heart attack must've really taken it out of him. After a few moments hesitation Natalia got up and went into the hallway to ask after some more water leaving Leon alone with Kayos. He couldn't remember the last time the two of them were in a room alone with out one trying to kill the other. Just as well because Leon had no delusions about being able to put up a fight right now.

"So what, did the hospital call you or something?" Leon asked looking up at Kayos who was studying the heart monitor.

"Yes." Kayos said flatly as he walked across the room to look at some charts that were left hanging on the wall and he studied them closely before putting them back in their place. "As did Royce, and Nik'Alahs. On top of that I was both asked by my Captain as well as ordered by Typhon to come and see what was going on with you." Kayos let out a small chuckle. "You really have come quite a bit a ways since you were a child under my roof."

"Well when you're popular... Why does Typhon care about me?" Leon asked.

"You defeated a demon that even he could not defeat, is it any wonder that he'd want to keep track of you now that you could possibly be more powerful than he is?" Leon let out a chuckle of his own but instantly regretted it when his chest tightened up. "As for Nik'Alahs-"

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