Chapter 57 - Earning The Name

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Kayos was pacing back and forth when Quinn finally decided to show himself. They'd landed the jet awhile ago and were letting it charge back up when they'd all gotten word of what'd happened back in the United States. None of them had spoken but the tension that'd built up could've been cut with a knife. The human girl Lauren and the other two woman that were with her hadn't made an attempt to leave Roy's side. But considering the glares that Arya was throwing their way Kayos couldn't say that he could blame them, but that would have to be settled later, right now there was an even bigger issue that he needed to discuss.

"Uh, you asked for me?" Quinn asked looking more than a little uncomfortable.

"Drop the act Quinn, you must know why you're here." Kayos snapped without actually meaning to, but considering current events Kayos figured that he was allowed to be a little on edge. "I know you've been slithering around inside my mind, you must've seen the vision I had. Now tell me, how is it that I saw you fighting with two S-class demons when you yourself only registered to be a simple C-class?"

"Well, I guess the simplest answer is that your tests only measure the strength of a demon's heart. But you should know by know that there's no way to measure our abilities strength." Quinn blew a loose strand of hair out of his face before he went on. "If there was don't you think you'd be rated a little higher on the scale? I mean being able to see the future- well I don't know about you but I think I'd rank that as a power fit for the Gods."

Kayos narrowed his eyes at the small demon and noted how he hadn't actually answered his question. Quinn sighed before fixing Kayos with a dull look. "When you were young, do you remember playing with your friends? All the grand adventures you'd go on while staying in the backyard? Or what about all the outrageous things that happen to you in your dreams? Things that don't make sense or just shouldn't happen even in our world occur in dreams." Quinn brought his hand up and tapped the his temple with his index finger. "That's the power of the mind. There are quite literally limitless things that can happen inside one's mind, specifically the imagination. That's what my gift is, the ability to reach inside someone else's consciousness and force it to bend to my will." Quinn's eyes went to Kayos' right arm before he spoke again. "For example try to raise your arm."

Kayos let out a scoff and moved to lift his arm but much to his surprise it didn't move. He looked down at it and with all of his might he tried to move it but his arm might as well have been completely detached  from the rest of his body for all the good it did him. Kayos let out a snarl before he turned his angry gaze upon Quinn. "What the hell did you do to me!?"

"I'm telling your mind that your arm is paralyzed." Quinn said with a shrug of his shoulders and a small sigh. "Physically I'm no match for any demon on that jet. But with a gift like mine physicality means about as much as sand does to a man dying of thirst. It doesn't matter how physically strong you are, I can make it so that you're just as weak as I am, or I can tell your mind that you're still a newborn and unable to do anything but cry while I cover your mouth and nose until you suffocate."

"It's the same thing I did to Typhon when Skorge and the rest of us attacked. I told his mind that he was paralyzed and that he no longer had an ability. Or like I'm telling your mind that you and I are having this conversation on the surface of the moon."

"What are you-" Kayos began but when he looked down at the ground he found himself looking down at the pale surface of the moon rather than the grassy clearing they'd been in a moment before. Kayos' heart jumped up into his throat as he looked past Quinn and saw the planet Earth slowly rotating over the other demon's shoulder. Quinn put his right hand in his pocket and looked over his shoulder at the planet for a moment before he turned back with a bored look on his face. "How are you-"

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