Chapter 34 - The Collaboration Festival

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Zero Days


Lauren was waking up feeling as bad as she would if she'd been out all night drinking. Her head was pounding, the light hurt her eyes, and she had no idea where in the world she was. But when she turned her head to the side she saw that Roy was sitting in a chair right beside her looking as if he'd been up all night. There were heavy bags beneath his eyes and even though it looked like he was asleep it seemed to her that he was still doing something that was wearing on his body.

"Roy?" Lauren said her voice sounding rough and scratchy as if she hadn't used it in weeks. It hurt to even breathe now and she leaned over to the small table beside her where there was a glass of water and she up drank it all in one go. It felt revitalizing on her throat to have fresh cool water going down and next time she spoke it came out already much better than before. "Roy, wake up!"

Instantly Roy's eyes flew open and just like that the bags under his eyes were gone completely overshadowed by his golden eyes. He looked dazed for a moment but after blinking himself awake he saw Lauren and he shot right up to his feet. "Lauren don't sit up you need your rest."

"What happened to me?" She asked allowing Roy to urge her back into a lying position. "Where are we?"

"We're underneath the Dome." Roy said softly and running his fingers over her cheeks making her smile up at him involuntarily. He gave her a half smile before looking back at the door of the pure white room that they were in. "You took a bad hit to the head, on the inside at least. When I brought us in here I was going too fast too suddenly, our body couldn't adjust in time. The doctor said that it was like your brain was being bounced off of your skull." Roy looked down at their hands which had somehow found their way to each other without Lauren even noticing. "I'm sorry; it's my fault you got hurt in the first place."

"No don't start thinking like that." Lauren said quickly and giving his hand a good squeeze. "Remember I'm the one that wanted to come here, you were just trying to help me out. But- did you manage to convince the President to help the Chain? What happened out there is Leon alright; did they manage to beat Skorge?"

"Lauren listen to me." Roy said bringing his chair closer to her bed and grasping her hand with both of his. Her heart rate picked up when he said that because he wouldn't be acting like this if everything went good. "The Chain lost out in the Badlands. Skorge and his men defeated them, soundly I might add. And Leon he's- he's gone."

"No..." Lauren said sitting up as much as Roy would allow her to looking down at her boyfriend. "He's not dead. He can't be he's come back from things before are you sure?! You saw him die!?"

"No Lauren he's not dead." Roy said making Lauren even more hysterical than before. If he wasn't dead than how could he be gone? He didn't join Skorge did he?! She asked as much and Roy shook his head. "No he left us after we escaped the battle. He- he found out something that he really didn't want to hear. I still can't fully wrap my head around it either to be honest."

"Wait left 'us' were you there!?"

"The President wanted me to go and report back to her who won the battle in exchange for helping you. It was her doctor that fixed your head. But Lauren- Leon's my brother." Lauren felt her throat dry out again just like it'd been not a minute ago only this time it felt like her heart was trying to jump out of her throat at the same time. She knew that Roy and Leon were brothers for a while now ever since their fight with Thomas Vega, but she promised not to say anything until after Roy found out on his own. And it was clear that this revelation bothered him. "Turns out my powerful and noble demon father is actually strange is that? I mean you knew didn't you? I can't believe you held that in so long and I have to thank you for it. I found the other half of my family and I'm so thankful for it...

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