That Distant Shore [Shuichi Saihara x Reader]

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"It all became so lovely. Those bluest skies above me."

You intertwined your hand with your boyfriend, staring up at the blue sky above you. A soft smile made its way onto your face as you scooted closer to your boyfriend.

Never in a million years would you have thought you'd have a boyfriend. And you never thought that friggin Shuichi Saihara would become your lover.

A lot changed when you were accepted into Hope's Peak. Everyone was so accepting and kind. It was a major difference from your old school.

Here, you had found love and friends - two things you had never really experienced before. They showed you that the world wasn't entirely bad. There was still goodness.

Shuichi smiled, making your heart flutter.

"Those funny feelings I had never felt before I met you."

Your boyfriend had opened your eyes. We was the one that showed you love and happiness did exist, and that you deserved those things too.

He was an amazing guy. He was brilliant, and handsome, and funny. He made your heart skip a beat whenever he was around. He was a good guy.

"I thought I'd stay a while..."

Originally, you weren't supposed to being staying in Japan for a whole school year. You were supposed to fly back to America halfway through the year to further your studies, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it.

There was so many good people and memories you would've left behind. You couldn't leave your friends, for they had become your new family. So, you decided to stay.

"I tried to learn to smile."

Your friends and Shuichi were the ones that taught you to let loose. You were a cold person to start, but they had broke through your tough exterior.

Shuichi had exposed you to true happiness. Because of him, you smiled and laughed more. You weren't afraid to have fun.

So many changes had been brought upon you, but they were for the better. You had changed into a better person.

"So many colors I had never even worn."

Japan was an extremely colorful place when many diverse personalities. At Hope's Peak, you had been exposed to all of that.

Everyone's hair and clothing was pretty eccentric. Their personalities were the same. But most importantly, they were all amazing people.

"Maybe I'll find myself sitting on that distant shore..."

Shuichi gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. You flashed a grin at him, resting your head on his chest.

"Maybe I'm not alone."

Didn't do the whole song. I thought this was a good spot to end it. The song was  That Distant Shore from Steven Universe.


Kissing Lessons [Kazuichi Souda X F!Reader]

Hope [Danganronpa x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now