Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu//Tattoos

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Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Reader

This is an AU in which your soulmate is born with the same tattoo as you. They are usually on different body parts and every pair is different.

"Come on, (Y/N)!" Kazuichi whined. "Just do it for me! Please!"

I sighed, shaking my head. "No, Kaz. I'm not going to make your tattoo look like Sonia's. You're not her soulmate, man. Just give it up already."

"But Gundham's fucking weird!" Kazuichi yelled. "I don't want him as my soulmate!"

"Just give him a chance, Kaz," I told him as I walked around my small shop. "He's not that weird when you get to know him."

"Mhm, sure. Whatever you say, (Y/N)."

My eye twitched. "Put your damn shirt back on and get out of my shop!"

"Fine," Kazuichi said, shrugging his shirt back on. "Thanks for the help, Ultimate Tattoo Artist."

"Get out already."

"Alright! I'm going, I'm going!" Kazuichi said as he walked toward the door. "See you on Monday."

"Will do."

You see, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), the Ultimate Tattoo Artist. Many people come to me wanting their soulmate tattoos changed, but I always refuse. Why change their fate? It's a good thing they have a soulmate.

Besides, I can't change soulmate tattoos. My ink will not go over it. The best thing I can do for people is surround the tattoo with other tattoos so that don't know the real one, but I barely do that anyways.

Sighing, I took of my jacket and sat down. My eyes trailed over to my arm to see the tattoo of a serpent trailing down my arm. It's my soulmate tattoo.

I always deny it when people ask if it's my soulmate tattoo. I claim it's just one of the many tattoos I own. But, if I'm being honest, I only have two self-added tattoos. What? It hurts!

Suddenly, the little bell on the door rang, indicating that I had a customer. I looked up from my work and smiled.

"Kuzuryuu, you're here for another tattoo, I suppose?" I asked he walked into the shop.

"No, I'm here for fucking tea and cookies," he snorted. "Of course I want a tattoo! I thought you were smarter than that!"

"Don't sass me," I said as I put my hands on my hips. "I get to sass you."

I walked over to him. "Now, do you want a tattoo or not?"

"Fine, fine," he muttered. "I need the Kuzuryuu Clan symbol on my back."

"Take off your shirt and take a seat," I instructed.

He began to unbutton his white shirt and I couldn't help but let a low whistle. Damn, he had some mighty fine abs.

"Can it, will ya?!" He snapped as he sat down.

"Yeah, yeah." I walked over to him with an image of the tattoo he wanted. Suddenly, my eyes widened.

"Hey, Kuzuryuu," I said, still gawking at his back. "Are you aware that you already have a tattoo on your back?"

"Of course I-Wait, what?!"

He turned around, staring at the serpent in black ink slithering down his spine. "What the hell?!"

It began glowing and suddenly, the tattoo on my arm began to burn. This could only mean one thing.

"Hey Fuyuhiko...I think we're soulmates..."



"Just shut the fuck up and kiss me already."

I'm literally wheezing. That was so fun to write! Hope you guys liked it!


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