Gonta Gokuhara//Moving

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Gonta Gokuhara x F!Shy!ChildhoodFriend!Reader

You sighed as you rested your head against the wall. You pulled your knees into to your chest and glanced around your empty room.

Boxes were littered all over to floor. The room was nearly stripped clean: no posters on the wall, no clothes on the floor, no unmade bed. Just boxes.

"How am I going to tell him?" You whispered as you wiped away a stray tear.

You were moving far away from here. Not just down the street, not just another city, but an entirely different country at that. You were moving to America on account of your dad's new job.

This was a big change for you. You had to leave everything behind, including your teachers, your friends...your boyfriend.

How were you going to tell him? He'd be heartbroken. You couldn't tell him, not yet anyways.

You had one day left in Japan, and you sure as hell weren't going to waste it. You were going to have the best day of your life.

Rummaging through your bag, you grabbed your phone. "Yeah, Gonta? Get ready, I'm picking you up in ten."

* * *

"Where's Miss (Y/N) going to take Gonta?" The male asked excitedly as he hopped into the passenger seat of the car.

"It's a surprise!" You laughed as you put the car in gear. You began driving out of his neighborhood and down the road.

It killed you inside to not tell him you were moving, but you didn't want him feeling pity for you.

You pulled up to a brick building and parked your car outside. "You know where we are, Gonta?

He stepped outside of the car and his eyes lit up. "It's the comic book store where Gonta and Miss (Y/N) went every Fruday as kids!"

Giggling, you dragged him into the store. You two walked through the rows of shelves, pointing out your favorite comics and mangas.

Gonta stepped away to go buy something and you found yourself lost in an old memory.

"Look at this one!" You shoved a comic in Gonta's face. "It's limited edition."

Your face fell as you realized something. "Ah man, I don't have any money."

Gonta frowned. "Gonta could buy it for Miss (Y/N)."

"No, no!" You waved your hands frantically as your face heated up. "You don't have to do that!"

He took the comic book from your hands and smiled. "But Gonta wants to. Gonta likes Miss (Y/N)."

You wrapped your arms around the bigger boy and smiled. "(Y/N) likes Gonta, too."

You still had that comic book. You would never get rid of it. It meant too much to you.

"Already to go, Gonta?" You asked as the male walked toward you.

He nodded. "Where is Miss (Y/N) going to take Gonta next?"

You grabbed his hand and rolled your eyes. "It's a surprise, silly. I already told you this."

* * *

"The bug exhibit at the museum!" Gonta looked as excited as a little kid on Christmas Day. His innocent look made your heart skip a beat.

"It's where we had our first date," You explained as you entered the museum.

Another butterfly flew toward you, landing on your finger. You squeezed Gonta's hand, looking back and forth between him and the butterfly.

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