Ibuki Mioda//Don't Say Goodbye

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Don't Say Goodbye
Ibuki Mioda x Reader

"Ibuki hates goodbyes!" The female musician cried out as she flung herself at you.

You patted her back and stroked her hair with a laugh. "Ibuki, chill. I'm just going back to my place. I'll see you in the morning!"

"But I still have to say goodbye! And I don't want to!"

Kissing her forehead, you smiled softly at her. "Then don't think of it as goodbye...think of it as see you soon!"

The female sniffed. "Okay then. I love you, (Y/N)!"

"Love you, too, Ibuki."

* * *

"No! No! NOOOOOOOO!" Ibuki screamed as she held you in her arms. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she sobbed. Her body shook as she brought you closer to her chest.

Blue and red lights flashed in the distance while a loud siren wailed. The paramedics were coming, but they were going to be too late.

You weakly lifted a shaking hand up to Ibuki's face. You softly cupped your hand on her cheek. "H-Hey...aren't you...lucky that you weren't...hit?"

The tears streamed faster down Ibuki's face. "No! I-I..."

She still couldn't accept the fact that you had saved her life. She hadn't seen that truck coming and you pushed her out the way, getting hit instead.

"D-Don't cry, Ibuki," You shakily whispered as you fought to stay awake. "After all...this isn't goodbye..."

"It's not?" Ibuki croaked out.

Laughing a little, you weakly smiled. "Of course...not..." Your (E/C) eyes fought to stay open. "Re-Remember what I...what I taught you? It's not...goodbye...It's...I'll see you...soon

Your speech slowed down gradually and the light from your eyes began to fade. Your girlfriend shivered as your skin began to grow colder. Your hand slowly lowered from her face.

"I...love you...Ibuki..." You took one last breath, exhaled, and smiled.

"(Y/N)?" Ibuki whispered as your smile began to fade. "(Y/N)? (Y/N) (L/N), don't you dare leave me! (Y/N)?!"

The paramedics arrived, walking over to Ibuki.

"NONONONO! Don't take her!" Ibuki screamed as the paramedics took you out of her arms. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)?!"

Her body shook uncontrollably as she looked at your dead body. "I'll...I'll see you soon...okay?"

Inspired by a Nagito Komeada oneshot I read. It was good. Aw well, byeeee!

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