Izuru Kamukura//Boats

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Izuru Kamukura x Reader

Hajime Hinata is a nice guy. He has good intentions...but things don't always turn out as he plans. I don't think he really cares, though. He just kind of rolls with it.

The kid has been my friend for years. He always helps me out. And when I told him I had been looking for a boyfriend, he had been more than eager to help.

He's absolutely certain that he has found the perfect guy for me. Who is this guy? Izuru Kamukura.

His brother.

I'll admit, I'm a bit skeptical about this boy. From what I've seen of him, I can only assume he's a creepy goth boy. But Hajime insists that I give him a chance. Guess I'll have to trust his word.

Are you sure that he's coming? I text Hajime, a bit nervous. What if he stood me up? He's not here.

I promise he'll be there, Hajime texts back. Just calm down. It'll be fine.

Whatever you say, you orange juice freak.

A minute later, he responds with a, :)  He'll be there soon.

Sighing, I rest my chin in the palm of my hand. He better show up. Captain (Y/N) (L/N) doesn't appreciate being stood up.

A while later, a man enters the café. The place is pretty much empty, and his gothic appearance stands out, so I can definitely tell who it is:

My date.

'Yippee, go me,' I sarcastically think, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. 'You definitely scored a keeper.'

Sighing, I pinch the bridge of my nose. 'Thank you, Hajime.'

The male walks over and sits down across from me. "You're (Y/N) (L/N), I presume?"

"Yep, that's me," I awkwardly respond. 'Oh my gosh, just kill me now.'

I take a sip of my coffee, just wanting this night to be over already. It's been weird enough.

"What's your talent?" Izuru asks, still as monotone as ever.

"My talent?" I repeat, blushing a bit. "A-Ah, it's nothing much...I'm the Ultimate Captain."

"Captain?" Izuru raises an eyebrow. He pauses to take a drink. "Of what sorts?"


"Holy shit, I love boats."

My eyes widen both in shock and excitement. "Really?! Finally, someone who shares my passion!"

I flag down the nearest waitress, asking fir the check. After we pay, I grab Izuru's hand.

"Where are we going?"

"I want to go show you my boats!" I squeal happily. I'm practically skipping at this point.

"You own a boat?"

"Duh, I'm the Ultimate Captain after all. Come on, Izuru. Keep up."

We drive down to the harbor and I'm bouncing in my seat. He barely puts the car in park when I jump out the door.

"Here we are!" I exclaim. "My prides of joy!"

Izuru stares dumbfounded at the boats while I clap giddily. "All of these are yours?"

I nod, laughing. "Wanna go for a ride?"

It has been three months since the day Izuru and I had first met. We have become more serious and loving to each other. To sum it all up, it's been great.

We're out on one of my boats for the weekend as we thought it'd be a great get away. Just the two of us!

Smiling, I turn the wheel on the ship slightly. What? I know it's a date weekend, but someone's gotta steer the dang thing!

Salt water lightly sprays my face, making me laugh. I love being out in open waters.

Izuru walks up behind mr, hugging my waist. A dreamy smile crosses my face. I live it here, with him.

The male rests his head on top of mine and closes his eyes. The hold he has on me never softens, making me feel protected.

"This is just great," I comment, staring out into the ocean.

Izuru hums in acknowledgement, sending pleasant shivers down my spine. He pecks my forehead and I blush, continuing to steer the ship.

Night soon fell upon the Earth and I docked the boat into a harbor so that it wouldn't drift away during the night. Lucky for us, the dock was empty and we were the only ones out.

We are laying down on the front deck with our hands intertwined, looking up at the stars. Everything's so perfect right now. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Suddenly, arms wrap themselves around my waist, pulling me into Izuru's chest.

"A-Ah, Izuru?" I stutter, blushing like a maniac. "What are y-"

"Shush," Izuru instructs, closing his eyes. He rests his head against mine.

Without warning, he hugs me, pressing his lips against mine. He pulls away, a small satisfied smile on his face.

"I love you," I say, still blushing cherry red.

"I love you, too."

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