fragrance [izuru kamukura x omega!reader]

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despair days timeline
izuru kamukura x omega!reader
no smut you sick fucks. I don't roll that way lmao. this does deal with heat, but instead of it being a sexual thing, it's more of a comfort thing?? eh, you'll understand once you read it.


"You smell weird."

The dark-haired male next to you turned his head, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "... What? What do you mean?"

Humming, you tapped your nails against the concrete flooring. Tilting your head to the side, you studied him: Izuru Kamukura. "I'm not entirely sure, but it smells like your scent doesn't belong to you, you know? You're an alpha, right?"


"But you don't smell like one? Like, your scent's really confusing!" You frowned. "I can smell the alpha, but there's something less pronounced underneath it?... Ugh, trying to figure this out is making my head hurt!"

You fell backwards onto the heap of blankets, covering your eyes with your arm. You could hear the male next to you shuffling about, probably digging something out of your bag.

"It's not my scent, you idiot, you're in pre-heat, remember?" He said, still rummaging through the bag. He made an 'aha' noise when he presumably found what he was looking for. "Ibuprofen, take it."

You caught the bottle that was thrown towards you and sat up. You unscrewed the cap, popping a pill into your mouth. "Huh, forget heat starts tomorrow... man, this fucking sucks. We were supposed to switch locations tomorrow."

Switching living locations was something you two did frequently. It was a way to get the freaky Remnants of Despair and Future Foundation off your backs.

You and Izuru had met shortly after the world was plunged into despair. You were a second-year student at Hope's Peak Academy, part of the 77th Class. Lucky for you, you had been out on an internship the week your classmates had become slaves to despair. Of course, it was an absolute hell when you came back.

Izuru met you while you were scavenging a house for supplies. He somehow found you interesting enough to follow around, and before you knew it, the two of you had become pretty close.

"We can still switch locations tomorrow," Izuru said, placing the bottle of Ibuprofen back into your duffle bag. "I'll just have to carry you."

"You really don't need to do that. I'm sure I'll be able to walk at least for a little while tomorrow. My heat probably won't hit full force until the afterno-"

"I'll carry you," Izuru declared. "If I don't, you'll just slow us down."

"Wow, way to make me feel appreciated."

"Just go to sleep."

"Whatever you say, Captain."

* * *

"It's time to get up, (Y/N)." A foot nudged at your ribs, and you let out a groan, burrowing yourself further into your cocoon of tattered blankets. The scents embedded in the blankets reached your nose, and you let out a content sigh, trying to adjust yourself.

"Really?...You just love making my job harder, don't you?" A sigh was heard, and suddenly, you were lifted into the air, pulled away from your blankets.

"My nest!" You whined, making a weak effort to reach for it.

Izuru lifted you onto his back with a huff. "We'll make you a new one. We've got to get moving... could you stop scenting so heavily? Someone's bound to track your scent."

"I can't help it!" You wailed. "It's not my fault I'm in heat!... Maybe if someone would've let me raid that supermarket last week, then I might have found some scent patches!"

"You're so needy," Izuru replied in a low murmur, shoving the rest of the supplies back into your duffle bag.

"Hey! I'm in heat, remember?! I'm gonna hold that against you when you go into rut!"

"Sure you will."

Soon enough, you two were out the door, scouring the city for a new place to stay. The effects of your heat were slowly beginning to show throughout the day, and you weren't having it.

"I wanna build my nest," you muttered into Izuru's back, arms loosely hanging around his shoulders. "How much longer?"

"It's just another block or two," Izuru responded. "Quit being so impatient."

You grumbled in response, resting your head in the crook of Izuru's neck, right near his scent glands. You let out a content sigh as his calming alpha scent hit you, allowing your eyes to fall shut in bliss.

"Mmm, you kinda smell like oranges," you hummed. "It's faint, but it's there."

"Oranges?" Izuru mused, lips pursed in a form of amusement. "Is that a good thing?"

Nodding, you let out another hum, pressing yourself closer to his scent glands. "It's calming... kind of reminds me of someone else's scent I used to know... huh, wonder whatever happened to that kid."

Suddenly, Izuru stopped in the middle of the road. You opened your eyes slowly, letting a frown cross your lips. "Why'd we stop?... What's going on?"

Izuru's scent glands sent off uneasiness, maybe even a little bit of fear. "I think there's someone else here... stay quiet for a second."

You loosely fisted Izuru's shirt, eyes darting nervously around. Uncontrollably, your sent glands sent off a wave of fear.

"(Y/N), you've got to control your scent."

"I-I can't! Any other day I could, b-but I can't control it i-in heat!" You stammered.

"Izuru Kamakura! (Y/N) (L/N)! Thank goodness we finally found you two! We've been searching for ages!"

Turning around, you saw none other than Makoto Naegi accompanied by a group of Future Foundation soldiers. He didn't seemed to be phased by you two, a relieved smile on his face.

You tightened your grip on Izuru's shirt, giving the boy a weak smile. "I guess this is it, huh? No more running."

"No more running," Izuru murmured softly, but you could definitely depict the muted sadness in his scent.

"Alright." You whispered. "Let's see what the future holds."


hey look! a chapter! this one seems a little different than my other chapters, but then again, I have been gone for a while, haven't I? your support is everything! thanks so much for reading!

-abby lynn

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