Ouma Kokichi//Lies {Part 1}

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Ouma Kokichi x F!Reader

⚠️Deals with angst and suicide!⚠️
And yay to my first V3 oneshot!

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked down the hallways, scowling. That little purple-haired Hitler put purple dye in my shampoo! My (H/C) hair turned a bright purple.

"Kaito!" I shouted, waving at the man.

He walked up to me and grinned, hands in his pockets. "Nice hair, (Y/N)."

I rolled my eyes. "Hah, hah. Very funny. Now, have you seen Ouma? I need to beat the little shit's ass."

Suddenly, a smiling face swing down from the ceiling, hanging right in front of me. "You called, (Y/N)-chan?"

Ouma was hanging from one of the pipes by his legs, smiling broadly at me. That scared the shit out of me. I screamed, falling down on my butt.

"OUMA!" I shouted, grabbing at my chest. "What the hell?!"

"Nishishi!" Ouma laughed, clutching at his belly. "You're such a baby, (Y/N)-chan!"

I blushed, standing up. "Get down from there. It's not safe."

The purple-haired boy opened his arms wide. "Catch me!"

"Oh shit!" My eyes widened as he fell from the pipe. I scrambled to catch him and he landed in my arms bridal style.

"Ahem," Kaito cleared his throat. Shoot, he's still here.

"You can go, Kaito," I rolled my eyes.

"Later, lovebirds!" Kaito saluted and walked away.

I glared at Ouma and dropped him. He landed on the floor with a thud.

"Owie," He said as he stood up, rubbing his hindquarters. "That hurt, (Y/N)-chan."

Crossing my arms, I growled. "What the hell, Ouma?! Why'd you turn my hair purple?!"

He rubbed the back of his neck, laughing awkwardly. "Nishishi...Um...because purple looks good on you?"

"Nice try, Ouma. It's not funny."

"Yes it is-"


"It's hilarious-"

"LISTEN!" I screamed, balling my hands into fists. "It's not funny!"

"Take a joke, (Y/N)-chan," Ouma pouted.

My nostrils flared as I glared at him. "You think you're so funny, huh? Well guess what? You're just an immature little shit! You'll never be a great leader!"

Ouma's confident stance faltered a bit. "Oh yeah?" He asked. "No one will ever like you, (Y/N)-chan! You're a strict whore who doesn't know how to take a joke! No wonder you had no friends before you came here!"

"Ouma..." I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks. "How could you say that?"

He frowned, shoving me against the wall. "It's true! And stop crying you baby!"

My breathing began to pick up as more tears fell from my eyes. He didn't mean it, he couldn't have meant it-

I ran away, heading as far away as I could get from Ouma.

My crush and best friend had abused me with words I couldn't imagine coming out of his mouth. I loved him...but I guess he didn't love me.

I ran to my room, slumping against the door. I brought my knees into my chest and began to sob.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind. I could finally fulfill the dream I had for ten years.

I sat down at my desk, pulling out paper and a pen. I don't think anyone would care about what I was going to do.


I would like to apologize for what I'm about to do beforehand. You guys meant a lot to me. You were my first real friends. I'm sorry for letting you down.

And I'm sorry for lying to you guys as well. I very well knew what my talent was and lied that I couldn't remember. But Monokuma will tell you eventually, I guess.

This last part is for Ouma.

All I want to say is I love you. I always have and always will. Although you may not like me anymore, I will always love you.

Please don't fall into despair like I did guys. Find a way out. I know you can. Goodbye everyone.

With Love,
(Y/N) (L/N)

I wiped my nose and stood up. I grabbed the knife I had stolen from the kitchen and stared at the blade.

"Goodbye everyone," I said, smiling sadly. I thrusterd the knife into my chest and fell to the ground.

Pink blood filled my mouth and I began to choke. I cried, smiling a bittersweet grin.

"I...love y-you...Ouma," I coughed out, those being my last words.

An inky blackness overtook me and I faintly smiled. So this is death, huh?

Monokuma's POV

I stared at the monitor that showed (Y/N)'s room. I smiled sadistically and laughs. "Upupupu! Looks like (Y/N) gave into despair!"

She was lying in a puddle of her own hot pink blood with a sad look on her face.

I waddled over to (Y/N)'s room, stealing the note that rested on her desk. "A suicide note, huh?"

Taking the note, I left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. This would be a good trial.

Ouma's POV

I was still fuming. How dare that stupid (Y/N) say I'm not funny. The nerve of that girl.

My eyes watched as she ran away crying. And that's when I realized what I had said.


They spewed from my mouth on rapid fire. And poor (Y/N) believed every word. My fingers touched my lips faintly and my eyes widened.

"(Y/N)," I whispered.

Guilt hit me like a tsunami and I fell to my knees. I grabbed my head, thrashing it back and forth. I had screwed up. I had lost her.

I got up and ran to her room. I hesitated, knocking gently.

"Hey (Y/N)," I said softly. No response. I sighed. I knew this would happen.

I was just about to leave when I noticed the door was open slightly.

"That's odd," I stated with a frown. (Y/N) never leaves her door open.

As I opened the door, my eyes widened and I screamed. Footsteps pounded behind me but I couldn't help but stare at (Y/N).

Feeling dizzy, I leaned against the doorframe for support. Bile burned my throat as I cried out. She couldn't be, she can't!

(Y/N) laid in a puddle of pink blood, her blood, on the floor. A kitchen knife laid not far from her body. Pink blood trickled out of her mouth and a blob of blood was on her chest, staining her clothes.

The room seemed to spin and all I could hear was a full ringing in my ears. Somebody put a hand on my shoulder but I brushed it off and ran to (Y/N)'s body.

Tears fell out of my eyes and onto (Y/N)'s body as I hugged her lifeless body. I imagined her alive, happy and smiling. But she was dead, lifeless, and gone.

Her pink blood stained my white clothing as I cried but I didn't care. I would find out who killed her.

Even if I got killed myself in the process.

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