I'm Just Your Problem [Byakuya x F!Reader]

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La da dat da da.
I'm going to bury you in the ground.

I glared at my boyfriend, Byakuya Togami. I rested my chin on my hand, giving him the dirtiest look I could muster.

He didn't seem to have time for me anymore. It was like he chose work over his girlfriend.

La da dat da da.
I'm going to bury you with my sound.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" Byakuya asked, setting his cup of tea down. "You've been glaring at me for the past hour!"

"Oh, and you couldn't have asked what was wrong AN HOUR AGO?!"

I'm going to drink the blood
from your pretty pink face.
I'm gonna-

"(Y/N)!" He yelled, puffing his cheeks out. "Seriously! What the hell's going on?! You're acting too distasteful!"

I slammed by book down, challenging him with a tone similar to his own. "Oh, you don't like that?...Or do you just not like me?"

Getting up, I walked away, heading to the shared bedroom. He followed me, hot on my tail.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and I whipped around, fuming. "This isn't like you," he whispered.

"I think I would know what I'm like, Togami!" I spat. "I'm around myself majority of the day! I'm alone! You don't know what I'm like!"

Glaring at him, I continued heading down the hallway. "Sorry I don't treat you like a goddess. Is that what you want me to do?"

I turned to look at him, crossing my arms. There was a look of hurt on his face. Good. He deserved it.

I didn't stop there, continuing to mock him. "Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect, like all your little loyal subjects do."

"(Y/N)..." He trailed off, pain evident on his face. "What...why are you acting like this?"

Ignoring him, I continued. "Sorry I'm not made of sugar," I spat. "Am I not sweet enough for you?"

It was clear that Byakuya didn't like this side of me. But if he was going to be acting like this, he'd see a whole lot more of it.

I was tired of being treated like this, always pushed around because I'm too nice. I wanted change. I had a taste of freedom and I craved more of it.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around a lot," Byakuya tried to apologize. "I've been busy with work, and-"

"Is that why you always avoid me?" I questioned, tears coming to my eyes. "That must be such an inconvenience to you."

"That's my problem?!"

"Well... I'm just your problem," I said quietly. "I'm just your problem."

I walked away, trying to hide the tears that threatened to fall. I was his problem, wasn't I? Maybe his life would be better without me.


"It's like I'm not even a person, am I? I'm just your problem."

"Is that really how you feel?" Byakuya asked softly. "That you're my problem? (Y/N), you're not. Why do you think that?"

Sighing, I looked over at him. "Well, I shouldn't have to justify what I do. I shouldn't have to prove anything to you."

I leaned against the wall, examining my nails, trying to keep the disappoinment out of my tone. "I'm sorry that I exist," I apologized. "I forget what landed me on your black list. But I shouldn't have to be the one that makes up with you."

Byakuya's lips parted in shock. "(Y/N)... I'm so, so sorry. I didn't know you felt that way."

I shouldn't have to be the one to make up with Byakuya. But why do I want to? Why do I want to?

The tall male wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in for a hug. He rested his chin on the top of my head, squeezing the life out of me. Reluctantly, I hugged back, relaxing in his touch.

Bury you in the ground...
and drink the blood from your...ugh...

Man, I've been really into songfics lately. The song in this chapter was I'm Just Your Problem from Adventure Time.


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