Kiibo//Lie To Me

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Lie To Me
Kiibo x Reader

"Kiibo, I...I love you," You confessed as you looked up to meet the robot's eyes. "I've loved you for so long, and I just want to be your girlfriend! Do me?"

The robot frowned, his usual confident stance faltering. "I...I don't know if I can love," he tried to explain.

"O-Oh," You stuttered as you looked down at the ground. You could feel tears forming in your eyes. "I...I understand."

You turned away so Kiibo wouldn't notice your tears. You ran down the hall, far away from Kiibo, tears streaming down your face.

Kiibo called out your name but you ignored him and kept running toward your dorm.

With a sniff, you threw open your door, slamming it shut behind you. You cried out like a five-year-old having a tantrum.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" You grabbed your hair in frustration and began to pace around the room.

Of course he couldn't love you. He was a robot, after all. And robots don't have feelings. Certainly not to a human, anyways.

Letting out a strangled cry, you took off the bracelet on your wrist. You had made it for Kiibo. If you gave it to him now, you'd probably look stupid.

You grunted, ripping the bracelet apart. The wire snapped but the colorful beads wouldn't come off.

Frustrated, you packed up everything you were going to give to Kiibo. The bracelet, a bouquet of flowers, and a note in which you had written your feelings out for him. You put it all in a box and threw it out in the hall.

You slumped against the door and brought your knees into your chest. "Stupid...stupid...stupid." It was idiotic to think that he liked you.

More tears streamed down your face and you buried your head in your knees. The day couldn't get any worse.

* * *

Meanwhile, Kiibo watched your figure shrink in the hallway. "(Y/N)!" He yelled as he extended his hand toward you.

He ran down the hall, his feet thumping against the floor. A dark, empty feeling settled itself inside his chest.

Was this guilt?

Kiibo turned the corner and lost you. He sat against the wall and sighed.

The robot didn't mean to make you feel bad. He was just being honest. He wasn't sure if he was even capable of love.

Every time he saw you, his eyes would light up. He'd feel sick to his stomach and his artificial art would thump rapidly against his chest. He would feel...happy? Or was


He stood up as he heard a loud cry. Walking toward the dormitories, he noticed a tipped over box near (Y/N)'s room.

Kiibo tilted his head and walked toward the box. He crouched down and pulled out a bouquet of flowers. They were daisies, just like the ones he and (Y/N) would make flower crowns with.

Setting them to the side, he pulled out a broken bracelet. "Kii-bo?" He read aloud as he stared at the engraved wooden beads. He struggled to tie the bracelet back together before slipping it onto his wrist.

As he sat down, he pulled out a letter, his name written in beautiful calligraphy on the front. He tilted his head, reading it.


If you are reading this, it means I have confessed my love for you. Whether you accepted or not, I do not know.

I just wanted to know I really do love you Kiibo. Even if you can't love me back, I will always love you.

(Y/N) (L/N)

Kiibo touched his cheeks, feeling a wet substance. Was he crying?

(Y/N) really did love him, and even though he didn't completely understand this new feeling, he could say that he loved her.

He gently pushed open the door to the room, looking at the girl on the floor. "(Y/N)?"

She stood up, wiping her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

He studied her face. He noticed her puffy red eyes and blotchy complexion. She had been crying.

"Lie to me, Kiibo," She blurted out. "Lie to me. Tell me you love me."

She covered her hands with her face and began to sob.

Kiibo gently removed her hands from her face, intertwining them with his own. "I love you, (Y/N). And I'm not lying either."

"Really?" (Y/N) croaked.

The robot leaned closer and placed his lips on (Y/N)'s. He ignored the bitter taste of her salty tears and kept kissing. He pulled away with a small smile.

(Y/N)'s fingers faintly touched her lips as she stared at him in shock.

Kiibo pulled a flower crown out and placed it on her head. She smiled softly and began to cry.

"Did I upset you?!" Kiibo asked, alarmed.

"N-No," (Y/N) laughed softly as she buried her head in his chest. "These...are t-tears...of joy."

He picked you up and laid down on your bed with you in his arms. You guys cuddled and he kissed your forehead.

"I love you," he whispered.

Your eyes began to droop as you began to be lulled to sleep by his warmth. With a yawn, you cuddled up against him and closed your eyes, listening to the mechanical hum of his circuits.

"I love you, too."

Hope [Danganronpa x Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant