Ouma Kokichi//Lies {Part 2}

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Ouma Kokichi x Reader

⚠️Murder and suicide attempts⚠️
Here's Part 2!

"Let's start with the murder weapon," Shuichi said as we began the class trial.

I looked down at the ground, tears in my eyes. This was the hardest trial I would ever have to face. It was the trial of my only love, (Y/N) (L/N). She was murdered and I would find the killer to avenge her death.

"It was one of the kitchen knives," Maki stated. "I noticed it missing this morning and it was found at the crime scene."

"She was stabbed," Shuichi said. "There were multiple stand wounds in her chest. And the blood was pretty fresh, so the murder must have happen in a short time span of around fifteen minutes." He grabbed his chin, staring into space thoughtfully.

"So who has alibis?" Angie asked. "Maki, Gonta, Tenko, Himiko, Tsumugi, Shuichi, and Korekiyo were all in the kitchen with me at the time of the murder. So where were Kaito, Ouma, Kiibo, and Miu at the time of the murder?"

"I was in my room," Miu said looking bored. She leaned against her podium and rested her head in her hand. "I was working on building some things."

"I was with her," Kiibo said. "She needed some help."

"Ouma had talked to her moments before her murder and was the one who found her dead." Himiko crossed her arms. "So is he the murderer?"

I slammed my hands on my podium. "I didn't kill her!" I roared.

Maki rolled her eyes. "Calm down, we saw him pass the kitchens on the way to the dorms. Only after (Y/N) had passed. Her death was at 11:32 while we found her at 11:47."

"Kaito's the only one without an alibi!" Angie said.

Everyone turned to look at Kaito. He merely blushed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Actually, I have an alibi...Maki and I were making out outside of the kitchen."

"Ew," Himiko scrunched up her face.

I sighed and rubbed my face. "Everyone has an alibi! We're getting nowhere!"

"Did we miss something?" Shuichi scratched his head.

"Upupupupu!" Monokuma laughed.

"Shut up, Monokuma!" I snapped. "We're trying to solve a trial here!"

Monokuma pulled out a sheet of paper and laughed. "Your dear little (Y/N) left you all a note!"

I snatched it from the bear and read it aloud for everyone to hear.

"Everyone, I would like to apologize for what I'm about to do beforehand. You guys meant a lot to me. You were my first real friends. I'm sorry for letting you down." I stopped, wiping my tears.

"And I'm sorry for lying to you guys as well. I very well knew what my talent was and lied that I couldn't remember. But Monokuma will tell you eventually, I guess.

"This last part is for Ouma." She wrote something for me?

"All I want to say is I love you. I always have and always will. Although you may not like me anymore, I will always love you.

"Please don't fall into despair like I did guys. Find a way out. I know you can. Goodbye everyone.

"With Love, (Y/N) (L/N)." My voice cracked as I read the last part.

She loved me? I thought to myself. After all I did?

"It was a suicide," Shuichi said.  He swallowed, looking at all of us. "She killed herself."

My whole world came to a sudden stop. More tears streamed down my face.

"...What did she mean about her talent?" Miu asked quietly. "She knew what it was?"

"Upupupupu!" The monochrome bear laughed, grabbing his sides. "(Y/N) (L/N) was the Ultimate Victim! She was abused by her family and peers before she came here, physically and verbally! I guess she's fulfilled her title!"

"That explains the bruises we found while investigating," Korekiyo said, his voice slightly muffled from his mask.

"No..." I whispered. "No...No! I did it, I KILLED HER!"

"Ouma-" Kaito said.


I sobbed, burying my face in my hands. "I DID IT! Don't you understand?! I did it! I did it..."

"Upupupupu! Time to vote!" Monokuna cackled. Shakily, I clicked the picture of me.

I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it.

"That's right! The Ultimate Victim (Y/N) (L/N) killed herself!"

We were dismissed and I stormed out. I ran to my room, avoiding the calls of the others.

I could join her. I was going to join her.

I made a noise and slipped it around my neck. "Hold on, (Y/N), I'll be there soon."

With a sad smile, I jumped, the noose tightening around my neck. People ran into my room, screams were heard, all the while I slipped into a calm state of tranquility. Someone undid the noose and I gasped for air before blacking out.

When I woke up, Kaito was standing in my room. I looked at him, confused.

"What the hell, man?" He questioned. "You almost killed yourself last night."

"I was going to be with (Y/N)-"

"You were going to be dead," he cut me off. "If we hadn't come in here in time, you'd be dead."

He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "Come on, man. (Y/N) wouldn't want this. You've gotta stay strong for her."

I swallowed and looked down. He's right. (Y/N) wouldn't want this.


Kaito slapped me on the back. "Dinner's in ten." He left the room, leaving me alone.

I walked down the hall to (Y/N)'s room, standing in the doorway. Her body and blood had been cleaned up so it was as if her suicide had never happened.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I love you."

And as I left, I could of sworn I heard a faint, "I love you too..."

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