Odd One Out [Gundham Tanaka x F!Reader]

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"(Y/N)! Get off your phone! We're trying to have some quality bonding time here!"

Suddenly, your phone was ripped out of your hands. You looked up to see your classmate, Aoi Asahina, in front of you, your phone in her hand. She waved it around in front of your face mockingly before powering it off.

"Um, actually, can I have that back?" You questioned meekly, stretching across the table and trying to snatch it out of her hands.

"Come on, (Y/N). Be social for once." Yasuhiro Hagakure pointed a fork in your face before resuming eating his lunch. "You're always on that phone of yours. Get a life."

"Says the twenty-something-year-old who's literally hanging out with a bunch of freshman," you muttered under your breath, slowly sitting down.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing!" You shouted rather loudly, earning a few odd looks from people are the surrounding tables. "Er, uh, Aoi, can I please have my phone back?"

"Nope!" She stuck her tongue out at you.
"Not until you learn to be social!"

This sent you into panic mode. It wasn't that you were addicted to your phone or anything, you just couldn't stand these people. The people you sat with at lunch weren't even your friends - merely your classmates. However, seeing that all your friends were in a different lunch, this was the next best option.

Aoi was far too hyper in your opinion. She could also be pretty whining. She was always complaining about something.

Yasuhiro wasn't too bad. He made a lot of jokes, but he was just so...stupid. Honestly, why was a man his age even still in high school? How stupid could he be?

Sakura, Aoi's friend, was mainly quiet. But she didn't get ridiculed for being anti-social considering she actually listened to the conversation.

On the far end of the table was Leon Kuwata and his friend from the 77th Class, Kazuichi Souda. You actually really enjoyed their company. The things they had to say were hilarious. However, the two of them stuck together like glue, hardly ever exchanging in conversations with the rest of the table.

That left you. You literally couldn't stand your lunch table, so you just blocked everyone out. Scrolling through your phone was a better option than being forced to awkwardly socialize with these idiots.

Within a few minutes of being forced to socialize, you were going insane. Gosh, they were all just so annoying. You had to get out of here and fast.

"Hey, I've got to go finish a project for art. Can I have my phone back?" You questioned, hoping it would be a solid enough excuse.

"Fine." Aoi sighed and handed you your phone back. "Have fun with your project."

Not bothering to respond to her, you left the cafeteria. You speedwalked down the hall, trying to calm yourself down. Gosh, it was just so frustrating having to sit by those idiots everyday.

You were storming down the hallway, eyes fixed on the ground. God, everywhere you went you gelt like the fucking odd one out. You just wished you had someone to talk to.

But your so-called friends had their own friends. They were happy with or without. They didn't necessarily need you per day, but you needed them. God, what kind of friends were they? Hardly even talking to you outside of school, excluding you from their parties...

Biting down on your knuckle, you choked back a sob. You knew you sounded pathetic, ranting to yourself like this. You knew you were making this a bigger deal then it needed to be...by why did you feel so bad about it all?

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