Big Fun [Kazuichi Souda x F!Reader] H.R.

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Another HeathersRonpa AU. I fucking love Heathers. So, the reader isn't a big part in this story, so. It also goes along with the Freeze Your Brain Oneshot I have. Cast:

Kazuichi as Veronica Sawyer
Rantaro as Ram
Kokichi as Kurt
Sonia as Heather Chandler
Hiyoko as Heather Duke
Mahiru as Heather McNamera
Kaede as Martha
Reader as JD (not really, but *shrug*)

"Dad said act our age. You heard the man! It's time to rage!"

"PARTY! PARTY! PARTY!" (Y/N) (L/N) chanted, pulling on her boyfriend's arm. "Come on, Kaz! Let's goooooooooo!"

Rantaro Anami and Kokichi Ouma were holding a party. Their parents were out of town for the night, so it was a perfect time to hold a party. (Y/N) was beyond excited. Kazuichi Souda? Not so much...

"Plus the bass, turn out the lights! Ain't nobody home tonight!"

(Y/N) dragged Kazuichi inside, excited to be at a high school party. She took a sip of the punch, which then became a glass, which then became a two liter, which then led her to wanting to find more alcoholic beverages.

"Kazuichi! Thisssssss isssss great!" (Y/N) slurred, her glass almost spilling as she leaned against Kazuichi. "Try some!"

Hesitantly, he took a sip. It didn't taste too bad. Before he knew it, he was completely drunk.

"Drink! Smoke! It's all cool!" Rantaro said, walking around. "Let's get naked in my pool!"

"Punch the wall and start a fight! Ain't nobody home tonight!"

Kazuichi laughed drunkenly, staring at all the people in Rantaro's house. This party was sweet! He watched as Rantaro and Kokichi fell into the pool, laughing his head off.

"His folks got a waterbed!" Kokichi called out. "Come upstairs and rest your head!

"Let's rub each other's backs," Rantaro suggested, "while watching porn on Cinamax!"

(Y/N) screamed with glee, chasing Kazuichi through the ginormous house. She grabbed Kazuichi, kissing him roughly before running away from him.

"The folks are gone! It's time for big fun! Big fun! We're up 'till dawn having some big fun! Big fun!"

"Holy shit!" (Y/N) swore, (E/C) eyes widening. "I FOUND MORE ALCOHOL! I FOUND THE MOTHER LOAD!"

"When Mom and Dad forget to lock the liquor cabinet!~"

"It's big fun!" Rantaro and Kokichi cheered, chugging down some beer. "Big fun! Big fun!"

"Okay, okay, okay," Kazuichi said, a mischievous twinkle in his pink eyes. "So it's salt, and then lime, and then shot!"

He stared at Mahiru for confirmation, taking the shot before she said anything.

"No, it's salt, then your shot-" Mahiru began explaining but was then cut off by Sonia.

"You're doing it wrong!" Sonia shouted, getting frustrated at the new male in her squad.

Kazuichi raised a brow, confused. "Wait-Really?...'cause I feel great!"

He raised his arms, falling backward into someone. Blushing, he looked up at the male.

"Kazuichi! You are looking good tonight!" The male smiled and walked away.

"Woah." Kazuichi's eyes followed the male, his jaw dropping. He played it off cool, probably due to his drunk stupor. "A hot guy smiled at me without a trace of mockery!"

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