Secrets [Kiyotaka Ishimaru x F!Vampire!Reader]

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While (Y/N) was somewhat shy, it didn't stop her from making friends. She did her best to be outgoing for her classmates, and she stepped out of comfort zone multiple times. Because of this, hed classmates highly admired and respected her.

However, this newfound attention was a little overwhelming to the female. She went from no friends to a whole group of friends in a matter of days. While it was exciting, she knew she couldn't get too attached. After all, she was hiding a pretty big secret from them.

But nevermind that. (Y/N) was determined to make friends and keep them. So, with a bright and cheery smile plastered across her lips, she entered her classroom, waving hello to her classmates.

“Ten minutes early to class? That is highly respectable, Miss (L/N)! Thank you for abiding by the school rules and not being late to class!” Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the Ultimate Moral Compass, saluted her.

Truth be told, (Y/N) had grown quite fond of the black-haired male. He constantly praised her, and while it made her flustered half the time, she highly appreciated it. She gave him a nod and a smile before going to sitdown at her seat.

When picking her seat, she made sure to steer clear of the windows, taking a seat in the far corner of the classroom instead. Kiyotaka found it rather odd how such a star pupil such as (Y/N) (L/N) refused to sit up front. However, he didn't dare question her about it.

Kiyotaka glanced over at the female, eyeing her carefully. While he adored her, there was something a about the girl. He didn't know what it was, but he was determined to find out.

* * *


ime passed, and soon the 78th Class of Hope's Peak Academy was attending their afternoon classes. The sun shone bright in the sky, filling the classroom with light. The light reached out to touch everything it could, including (Y/N) (L/N).

Kiyotaka watched with curiosity as the female appeared to scoot her seat away from the light. However, a little bit of sunlight still reached the end of her desk. The female eyed it carefully before gently placing her hand in it.

That little action, however, caused her to pull her hand back with a jump, as if it burned her. Kiyotaka tilted his head to the side, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. Was she afraid of sunlight or something? What kind of a fear was that?

Suddenly, (Y/N) raised her hand, interrupting the teacher. "May I go use the bathroom?"

Their teacher allowed it, and (Y/N) scurried out of the room. Kiyotaka watched as the female seemed to cradled her hand that had touched the sunlight. Did she burn herself?

But that was highly illogical. You didn't get a sunburn that fast. It just didn't happen. But why did (Y/N) look so pained by the sunlight?

Come to think of it, (Y/N) always did look a little pale...and she stayed out of the sunlight a lot...and she ate a lot of red meat...which could only mean-

Kiyotaka shook his head. No, that was a stupid idea. What was he thinking? There's no way that-...

Was (Y/N) (L/N) a vampire?

He bit his bottom lip, pondering the thought. The more he thought about it, the more logical it sounded. But vampires weren't real. They were just a myth - a creature made up in stories to terrify the listeners. They were just fake.

But then what did that mean for (Y/N)?

* * *

Kiyotaka had a plan. In all honesty, it seemed ridiculous any way he thought about it. Just the fact that he was going to stalk the girl to figure out if she was indeed a vampire made him let out a pathetic chuckle. Maybe he was just going insane...

Eyebrows furrowing together, Kiyotaka crept out of his dorm. While he wasn't one for breaking rules, he certainly believed it was acceptable in a situation like this.

“This better work,” he muttered under his breath before quietly following the female down the hall, being sure to stay a ways behind her so she wouldn't see him.

It was nightmare - far past the time they were supposed to be in their dorms. Kiyotaka followed (Y/N) out of the dorms to outside the school. He hid in the shadows, careful to stay out of hde sight. Now what was she doing up this late?

A sigh escaped the female's lips, and she turned around, crossing her arms in front of her. “Kiyotaka, you can come out. I know you've been following me.”

The Ultimate Moral Compass froze. Fuck, he was screwed. He had no choice to but come clean to her.

“Taka!” (Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Just get out here already!”

Sighing, Kiyotaka came out of his hiding spot. He gave the female a sheepish smile, scratching the back of his neck. “Uh, hello (Y/N)!”

“What do you think you're doing?” The female questioned, rubbing her temples.

“Taking a nighttime walk?”

“Taka, we both know you would never be out past curfew without a reasonable excuse. Now tell me, why were you following me?”

Well, it was now or never. There was really no delicate way to put the situation. He just had to get it out there - no matter how foolish it sounded.

“Are you a vampire?” He questioned quickly, face heating up in embarrassment after he realized what he just said.

(Y/N)’'s lips curled upwards in an all-knowing smile, sharp canines resting against red lips. “Ah, nothing gets past you, does it? I mean, to answer your question, yeah, I am a vampire.”

Kiyotaka froze. His face drained of all color, skin tone matching the white of his uniform. He stood frozen in shock, staring at the girl in silence.

Meanwhile, it seemed like (Y/N) could care more or less about the whole thing. She just stood there with an innocent smile on her face as if nothing was wrong.

“So…” He trailed off. “...You're not going to drink my blood?”

The vampire before him burst out laughing. “What? Pfft! No! Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you! Vampires don't necessarily have to drink human blood, you know. We can drink animal, too. In fact, I was just on my way to the farm now.”

“...You're not going to kill me?”

“No, Taka! Jeez, even if I did drink your blood, I wouldn't even be able to drink enough to kill you. You'd be a little lightheaded at first, but it's not enough to even get you remotely close to the drink of death.”

The male let out a loud sigh in relief. “Oh thank goodness.”

“Just promise me you'll do me one favor?” The female asked. “Please don't tell anyone else about this. I mean, just look at how you reacted. I don't need an entire school of Ultimates hunting me down, okay?”


“Thanks. And hey, if you get comfortable with the whole vampire thing, maybe you'll even let me drink your blood sometime.”

“I highly doubt that.”

“Eh, it was worth a shot.”

This was a quick request for @otakus_need_love

Y'all, I fucking hate school. But my math teacher is pretty chill. He used to go to my school, and he's only like ten years older than us and he was literally making sex jokes with my friend. It was great.

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