Your Secret Admirer [Himiko Yumeno x F!Reader]

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"(Y/N)! You're thinking too much about it! Stop! Just go up to her and admit you're a gay smol bean that needs some love!"

I turned my head, glaring at Tenko Chabashira. "No."

Tenko tossed her head back and groaned. "(Y/N)! Come on! Just go confess your undying love for her!"

"Tenko, that's not how it works!" I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "You don't just come out like that! Besides, you are literally the only one who knows I'm gay! Not even my parents! I'd prefer that the whole school didn't find out, thank you!"

"(Y/N), it can't be that hard to ask someone out on a date."

If looks could kill, Tenko would be dead by now. "Fine. If you think it's so easy, why don't you try it? Korekiyo's standing right there. Go and ask him."

Tenko narrowed her eyes and smirked. "Watch me."

With the smirk still lingering on her lips, Tenko strutted up over to Korekiyo. Leaning against the wall, she smiled at him. After a short conversation, she slipped back over to me, a big smile on her face.

"See, (Y/N)? It's not that hard! Korekiyo and I are going on a date this afternoon."

"Fine then," I said, a determined glint in my eye. "I'll confess my love in the only way I know how."

"And that is?"

"Cheesy as fuck secret admirer notes."

"Now, go, Tenko!" I yelled, pushing the girl away. "Shove that note in her locker and run like hell!"

"For fuck's sake..."

I had spent the night creating the best love letter known to mankind. It had taken countless hours, and I had fallen asleep at one point, but it was finally ready. My fate was in Tenko's hands now.

Peeking around the corner, I watched as Tenko studied the lockers. She turned back to me, confused.

"Which one is it again?!" Tenko shouted across the hall. I face-palmed and groaned.

"Gah!" I yelled, exasperated. "It's that one! Now, put the note in, will you?!"

Tenko pushed the note in through one of the little slits towards the top of Himiko's locker. She turned back to me, smiling and giving me a thumbs up.

My plan was full-proof! Nothing could possibly go wrong!...Except I didn't anticipate for Himiko to walk down the hall as Tenko pushed the note in.

Giving Tenko a curious glance, Himiko opened her locker. The note fell out and Himiko grabbed it. She tore the envelope open, her eyes scanning the note inside.

My eyes widened. Shit. I had signed the card with, 'Love, your Secret Admirer'. She was going to think Tenko was the one who wrote it!

"Damn it!" I cursed quietly, balling my hands into fists. I thought my plan would work...

The short girl approached Tenko, holding the note. I grew pale, chewing on my fingernails.

"Were you the one who wrote this note?" Himiko questioned.

"Well, you see-" Tenko started, his voice quavering as she tried to explain the situation.

Himiko cut her off. "I'm sorry, Tenko, but I can not return your feelings. I'm not in love with you. I like (Y/N)."

"W-What?" I stuttered quietly, watching the scene unfold. There was no way Himiko could like me!

Tenko's face visibly brightened. "Well, that's great! (Y/N) likes you too! In fact, she's the one that wrote the note, not me."

Himiko glanced around the corner to where I was. I blushed and cowered away.

The magician looked back at Tenko. "For a Secret Admirer, she didn't do a very good job of staying secret."

This was requested by 18skeletonsinacloset. Sorry for the lack of updates guys, I was lacking inspiration. Oh, and something BIG is coming up soon! So be on the lookout for that!


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