❄ A Christmas Carol ❄ [DRV3 Cast x Reader] **Guest Starring Byakuya Togami**

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"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)!"

You merely scoffed, wrapping your arms around your body. A prominent scowl was on your face, and you marched away to you house, careful as to stay as far away from people as you could.

"Merry Christmas," you muttered. "Why, there isn't anything to be merry about? Not around here, at least."

Everyone knew you hated Christmas - scratch that, you despised Christmas. There was something about the holiday you just couldn't stand. Everyone was so happy...it sickened you.

You could be described as an utter prick - and that was putting it nicely. You were the Ultimate Industrialist. You had taken ovee your family business at a young age, and due to you, your company was raking in the millions.

But you were greedy, and the power had gone to your head. You had forgotten the importance of a good day's work. And now? Well, your classmates could describe you as an ass.

"Ba humbug," you growled as you pushed open the door to your house. It was old, and very uninviting. To you, it meant that people wouldn't bother you.

You had convinced yourself that Christmas was a worthless holiday, and you weren't about to go back on your word.

Not yet, at least.

* * *

"What the hell-" You shot up in bed, staring at the door with wide eyes. "What the actual fuck is going on?!"

Blue light peeked through from the cracks of your bedroom door. Fog began to eerily creep out, staying low to the floor. By what terrified you most was the haunting, agonizing moaning.

You rubbed your eyes, not believing what you were seeing. It was nearly one in the morning. What was going on?

Grabbing your phone, you turned on the flashlight, shining it at the door. "W-Who's there?" You bravely called out.

There was a loud bang before someone scoffed. "Merry Christmas to you, too, (Y/N)."

Cursing, your face paled. You knew that voice anywhere. Oh, how you hated him, but he was a very good business partner.

"Byakuya Togami," you growled, teeth gritting together. "You're supposed to be dead!"

There was some quiet chuckling before he responded, "That's no way to treat an old friend, is it, (Y/N)?"

Suddenly, he came through the door, and you screamed. Seriously, his body went straight through the door. It didn't seem to phase him at all.

"Quit your screaming," he told you, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

"Well, sorry that I'm not used to dead boys walking through doors at one in the morning!" You rolled your eyes.

Giving him a stern face, you pretending to be nonchalant about the whole thing. In all reality, you were terrified. I mean, a ghost fucking came through your door.

"Why are you here?" You asked, voice trembling the slightest bit. "Why did you come here of all places, Togami?"

Crossing his arms, you heard the sound of chains ckinking together. Only then did you noticed the chains on his wrists and ankles. They looked awfully heavy, and you couldn't imagine they were very comfortable.

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