Player!Rantaro Amami//Kiss and Tell

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Kiss and Tell
Player!Rantaro Amami x Tsundere!Reader

I thought I could trust you. I believed that you were mine and mine only. But I guess I was wrong.

"(Y/N)!" Tenko Chabashira ran up to me. "Are you going to Kaede's party tonight?"

"I don't know." I shrugged and shut my locker door. "I don't really want any drama."

"Please!" Tenko pouted as she grabbed my arm. "We can beat up the boys together."

Now that sounded like fun. "Pick me up at eight."

The Ultimate squealed and clapped her hands together. "This is going be so much fun!"

She ran off to who knows where and I began advancing down the hall. That's when I saw him.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a school like this?" He twirled a lock of an underclassman's hair around his finger.

I used to adore you, idolize you.

The underclassman blushed and giggled as the boy kept talking to her. He whispered in her ear and she let out a screech of high-pitched laughter.

But now you disgust me.

I grabbed the back of the boy's shirt, pulling him away from the girl. "Leave her alone!"

"Come on! I was just having a little fun!" Rantaro Amami crossed his arms and leaned against a row of lockers. "No harm done!"

Growling, I jabbed a finger into his chest. "You disgust me, you know that?" I spat through gritted teeth. "The fact that you have the nerve to prey on young, innocent girls like that!"

"You're just jealous," he smirked. "You just want me all to yourself.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. "Never again."

You're not the same guy I fell in love with.

* * *

"Okay, Tenko. Truth or dare?" Kaede questioned, her eyes wide.

Tenko, Saihara, Kirumi, Kiibo, Iruma, Rantaro, and we're at Kaede's house. Currently, we were partaking in a game of truth or dare.

"Um...truth! No dare!" Tenko yelled, indecisive. "I CHOOSE TRUTH!"

Kaede flinched at her loudness. "Okay, Tenko. What's your honest opinion on boys?"

Everyone's eyes widened. "Kaede! No-"

I slapped my hand over Tenko's mouth, not wanting to hear her rant about boys. "Tenko, just pick someone."

"Okay!" Tenko said as enthusiastic as ever. "(Y/N)! Truth or dare!"

"Dare." I smirked at Tenko's reaction. "Hit me with your best shot."

Tenko smirked evily in return. "I dare you to drink that bottle of expired soy sauce in the fridge."

Everyone turned to look at me.

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