We're Definitely NOT A Thing [Byakuya Togami x F!Reader]

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Byakuya Togami stared in my general direction, rage evident in his eyes. It was obvious that he didn't appreciate the way I was shamelessly flirting with the other boys in my class, but it wasn't like he could do anything about it. Besides, it was fun to see him this upset.

I tossed my (H/C) hair over my shoulder, letting out an obnoxiously loud laugh. Byakuya snapped his pencil in half in anger, and I sent him a smirk. My eyes gleamed with mischief as I returned to my conversation.

"You boys are just so funny!" I laughed, making sure Byakuya could hear me loud and clear.

Leon Kuwata and Mondo Oowada leaned against my desk, captivated in conversation. We made it look like we were flirting, but in all reality, we had different thoughts in mine. We were all trying to get our crushes jealous.

Mondo and Kiyotaka had a thing for each other for sure. There was no doubt in my mind that their little "study sessions" consisted of them fucking at Taka's house. Of course, Mondo felt the need to play petty, making Taka as jealous as he could.

The baseball star, Leon, on the other hand, was a different story. He had a notorious reputation for having flings with multiple girls - and guys - throughout our school. In all actuality, he was only doing it to get his fans off his back. He had a real boyfriend, who he wouldn't dare reveal his name, so that way they could date in private without having to be exploited by crazed fan girls and the paparazzi.

And then there was me: that one straight friend. I had a certain boy who I needed to make jealous. His name? Byakuya Togami.

We certainly weren't a thing, by any means. I'd hardly even call us friends. But what seemed to be the glue of our relationship was the fact that we both liked to tease the other relentlessly. We often damaged the egos of each other so often that it had become to a game to see who could get the other to give up. Both of us never ceases our attempts to torment each other, constantly locked in a silent feud.

"Is it working?" Leon asked quietly through his smile. "How jealous are they getting, right now?"

I locked eyes with Byakuya, a smirk spreading across my face. "Oh yeah, Togami's definitely jealous."

"Wait, are you guys a thing?" Mondo asked, completely forgetting what I had explained moments prior.

"Oh my God, Mondo!" I hissed. "Listen for once! We're not a thing!"

"That's what they all say."

"Shut up, Leon!" I yelled before regaining composure. "Anyways, onto phase two. You guys better not fuck this up."

I sure as hell was going to win the game against Byakuya. Oh, I was going to make him so jealous. By the end of all of this, Byakuya was going to be desperate for me.

"So, (Y/N), what are you doing tonight?" Mondo asked loudly like we had rehearsed.

"Me?" I batted my eyelashes innocently. "Well, I was going to enjoy a quiet evening at home, but if you want to come over, we can watch Netflix and chill. If I invite Leon, we can make it a three way."

Byakuya got out of his seat, storming towards me. Looks like it was working.

"Same time tomorrow?" I whispered to the boys as the heir approached. "In the meantime, have fun fucking your boyfriend in the broom closet, Mondo."

His face grew bright red, and I smirked. Byakuya approached, grabbing my arm. I sent the boys a wink, knowing what was going to come next.

"(Y/N) (L/N) will be spending the evening with me, tonight," Byakuya announced, practically hissing at Mondo and Leon. "You plebeians should know enough to stay away from her."

He held a tight grip onto my arm, dragging me out into the hallway. We walked down the halls, his grip on my arm never releasing.

"Come on, Togami! I was about to score two guys tonight!" I whined childishly as he dragged me down the hall. "What the fuck was that?!"

"You're asking me, that?" Byakuya snapped as we turned the corner. "Seriously, you were all over those guys! What the hell's wrong with you?!"

"If I didn't know any better, I would say that you actually cared about me," I told him, sticking my tongue out. "Ah, looks like the esteemed Byakuya Togami actually has a heart!"

"Aw, you look so cute together!"

We froze upon hearing that statement. Turning around, we came face to face with Aoi Asahina. She clasped her hands together, looking at us in awe.

"Are you two finally a thing?!" She questioned cheerfully, her eyes growing as big as the donuts she eats.

"We're definitely NOT a thing!" Byakuya and I both told her in unison before he dragged me away once again.

Once out of earshot, I turned my head to look at the blonde. "You know, we could be a thing if you wanted us to-"

"I swear to God, (L/N)!"

Hah! I forgot how much I love writing Togami! This was requested by @NoEscaping


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