Rantaro's Got Talent [Rantaro Amami x F!Reader]

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"So you're telling me that you have no clue what your talent is whatsoever?" I asked, staring at my boyfriend with wide eyes. I shook my head sadly, putting my hands on my hips. "Honey, we have got to change that."

Rantaro sweatdropped, eyes widening. He scratched the back of his neck nervously, face heating up in embarrassment. Aw, he looks so cute when he's flustered!

"(Y/N), I'm not so sure about this," Rantaro confessed, looking into my eyes. "I'm quite happy with who I am right now, and I don't think I need a stupid talent-"

"Are you calling my (T/N) stupid?" I snapped, causing his face to pale.

"A-Ah! Not at all!" He quickly tried to take back what he said, leaving me to let out a loud sigh. "No, I'm just saying I don't need a talent. I'm perfectly fine with who I am."

"Well, you're going to feel even better when we figure out what your hidden talent is!" I said, bopping him on the nose. "I, (Y/N) (L/N), will not stop my search until Rantaro Amami has found his hidden talent!"

"I don't think that's necessary-"


"...Oh, boy."

* * *

"Aw, you look so cute in a lab coat!~" I gushed, practically swooning over my boyfriend. "Now, onto the real task at hand: science!"

I was determined to find my boyfriend's hidden talent. I mean, what kind of person would he be if he was talentless in a school full of talented people? He'd be a complete outcast.

Perhaps science was the way to go. I was hoping that some sort of science would spark something in Rantaro's brain. Who knows? Maybe he's the Ultimate Chemist, or something.

"So, what am I supposed to do?" Rantaro questioned, looking around the room. He scratched his head while looking completely lost.

"You tell me," I shrugged, hopping onto one of the desks in the classroom. "You might be some sort of science whiz! So, just do something...I don't know...science-y!"

"I'm pretty sure that's not a word."

"Oh, just get on with it!"

Rantaro scratched his head, looking at the multiple chemicals in front of him. I sighed to myself. This was going to take a while.

Pulling out a magazine, I began to flip through its pages, waiting until Rantaro made some groundbreaking discovery. Hopeful he'd be able to find his talent.

The sound of an explosion snapped me out of my thoughts. My (H/C) hair flew into my face, and I nearly fell off the desk I was sitting on top of. Regaining my composure, I looked over at Rantaro.

My boyfriend stood in front of a desk, two beakers in his hands. His eyes were wide as he realized what he had just done. His face was black with ash while the tips of his hair were a bit singed.

Needless to say, Rantaro was not a scientist.

* * *

"Alright, so science isn't your talent," I stated, placing a basketball in Rantaro's hands, "but maybe basketball is."

"(Y/N), we don't need to do this," Rantaro tried to explain, pressing the basketball against his side. "I really don't need a talent."

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