Stars [Korekiyo Shinguiji x F!Reader]

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Her hand subconsciously intertwined with his as she layed down on the ground. The grass tickled her legs and arms, and she squirmed getting used to the feeling. A cool breeze swept through the warm night air filling her with bliss. She closed her eyes and let out a content sigh, her lips forming a smile.

"You humans are so peculiar," Korekiyo Shinguiji stated, spinning a flower between the fingers of his free hand. "You're all so complex and puzzling; an enigma of its own."

(Y/N) let out a slight chuckle and opened her eyes, staring up at the stars. "You say that as if you're not human yourself, Kiyo."

"Perhaps I'm not."

The female laughed her beautiful laugh, her eyes scrunching up to form little crescents. She whacked his arm playfully, her grin stretching to reveal her pearly white teeth.

"Cut it out, Kiyo," she said, a hint of laughter in her tone. "You're human, alright. You laugh, bleed, and cry like the rest of us... you're just different, and I like that."

The anthropologist blushed, thankful that his mask was hiding the crimson that was spreading along his cheeks. His eyes looked up at the stars, studying them in wonder.

"Humans have come up with so many stories about the stars," Korekiyo said. "They act as if they own the entities."

His companion shook her head. "No one owns the stars. You can't. They were here long before us, and each one is different. They're all different suns in different solar systems, possibly even housing a planet like ours."

Korekiyo's eyes reflected the lights and stars above. He let out a small sigh, his eyes fixed on the stars.

"You know," he started out, looking over at (Y/N), "I've come across some cultures who believe that the stars create our destiny."

"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant," she recited, a small smile on her face. "The stars incline us, they do not bind us. We create our own futures, Kiyo. We can change at any time we want to. The stars are only there to help us along the way."

"You're far different than most of the humans I've come across," Korekiyo stated. "And I cherish that."

"Don't get use to it," she whispered. "I'll be gone soon, burning away, my flame dying like a star."

(Y/N) turned on her side to face him, her lips parted slightly forming the most beautiful expression on her face. She was an exquisite specimen, far different than anything he's ever seen. She doesn't believe in fate, or legends, or rituals. She's just in it for the ride.

"But after old stars die out," she continued, "new ones will be born. I'm among the new, but still the old. I'll a blend of everything that's ever been and everything that will be. I'll be a star, nothing and everything all at once."

"You're different," he repeated, tucking a lock of (H/C) hair behind her ear.

"So are you," she whispered. "One day, we'll all be stars, too. But for now..."

She moved closer to him, pulling down his mask. She pressed his lips against his and he didn't decline. Pulling away, she smiled.

"I want to spend the life I have now with you."

Guess who's got a newfound appreciation for Korekiyo.


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