Stage Fright [Mondo Oowada x Insecure!F!Reader]

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Perhaps it was a dream, she thought. Perhaps if she pinched herself, she would wake up. But she didn't want to wake up. She wanted to stay in this dream world where her mother and father were still together. Where her sister had dumped her abusive boyfriend and moved back home to spend more time with her. Where her beloved dog was still alive, curled up at the foot of her bed. It was far better than reality.

In reality, her mother and father were divorced. The visits she spent with them consisted of one villianizing the other. Her sister was grown, living with her abusive boyfriend. He had almost killed her (twice), but she insisted on living with him. Her golden retriever was dead, hit by a car last week. Her dog seemed to be the only one who understood her, but he was gone now.

Her family didn't care if she cried herself to sleep at night. Her family didn't care if she was barely passing her classes. Her family didn't care if she thought about killing herself. No one cared.

Humans were selfish creatures who only cared about themselves. At least, that's what the world had taught her. She learned to adapt quickly.

No one cared about you.

And you didn't have to care about anyone else.

* * *

(Y/N) (L/N), the Ultimate Jazz Band, trudged to school, a frown on her face. The weekend she had spent at her mother's was absolutely horrid. The entire time, her mother did nothing but berate her father. And it didn't help that her mother enjoyed getting drunk too.

She hadn't slept soundly in a while. A lot of the time, she'd fall asleep to the sound of one of her parents breaking bottles against the wall while they screamed about how much of a deadbeat the other was.

All of it had taken a toll on her mental state. She was once a bright, confident girl who could do anything. But when she looked in the mirror, all she could see was an exasperated teenage girl, going through the motions of life.

Stepping onto Hope's Peak's campus, (Y/N) forced a smile on her face. Her posture became straight and her eyes began to hold a small sparkle. The school seemed to do wonders. Here, you could be whatever you wanted to be.

"Hey guys!" The Ultimate Jazz Band waved as she walked over to her small group of friends. The little group consisted of Chihiro Fujisaki, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, and Mondo Oowada.

"Salutations, (Y/N)!" Kiyotaka greeted, a bright smile on his face. "How was your weekend?"

The female opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted when the Ultimate Pianist, Kaede Akamatsu, ran over.

"(Y/N)!" The blonde cheered, obviously excited. "Headmaster Kirigiri finally agreed to let us host a talent show!"

"Really?!" (Y/N) squealed, her (E/C) eyes widening. "Oh my gosh! That's great!"

Kaede handed her a flyer, a bright smile on her face. "You really should consider entering, (Y/N)! You're a shoo-in for sure! Have a good day, (Y/N)!"

The Ultimate Pianist walked away, going to pass out more flyers to the students of Hope's Peak.

"So," Mondo said, "are you going to join, or what?"

(Y/N) stared down at the flyer, apprehension on her features. "You really think I should? I mean... I'm not that good."

Hope [Danganronpa x Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz