Shinguiji Korekiyo//Madness

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Shinguuji Korekiyo x Shy!Reader

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), come back!" Mrs (L/N) called out as she ran after her distressed daughter.

The girl ran off to the forest, a place she had lived ever since she was a child. It was always a quiet, tranquil place where no one would ever bother her.

She sat down on a log and buried her head into her hands. Tears streamed down her rosy cheeks as she cried.

Her mother had arranged for her to get married to a man she didn't even know. She had no say in the matter. It had left her sick to her stomach.

Suddenly, she heard rustling around her. She lifted her head up, revealing her tear-stained face.

A flash of white ran out in front of her, causing her to shriek and fall off the log. Upon further inspection, she discovered it was a rabbit. And...was he wearing a waistcoat.

The rabbit tapped her furry white foot impatiently and glanced down at his pocketwatch. "I'm late!" He exclaimed. "I mustn't be late!"

(Y/N) tilted her head to the side. What an odd sight, a talking rabbit in a waistcoat. She parted her lips to ask where he was going but instead let out a scream.

The ground beneath her opened up, swallowing her whole. She fell down, her arms flailing around wildly.

Her feet hit the ground and she stood up, sighing in relief. She brushed the dirt off of her dress and glanced around.

She was in an odd room. Glass covered the walls revealing a selection of brightly painted doors around her. A small golden key sat on a table in the middle of the room. She grabbed it, pacing around the room.

One of the doors had to be an exit. But the question was, which one?

A white door caught her eye. Pink paint seemed to be thrown across it while the silver hand was perfectly pristine.

(Y/N) inserted the key into the lock and listened for a small click. She pushed open the door, her eyes widening.

Blue grass surrounded her, swaying in the gentle breeze. Pink trees seemed to dance and waved at her, welcoming her to the new world.

She cautiously stepped inside, taking in her surroundings.

"Welcome to Danganland!" A childish voice exclaimed. "Population weird!"

A head swung down from a tree and appeared right in front of (Y/N). She shrieked, falling backward.

The head belonged to a short boy with oddly colored purple hair. "I'm the Cheshire Cat! I go by Ouma around these parts!" He gave the frightened girl jazz hands.

"Um...I'm (Y/N)," the shy girl whispered softly as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

"What brings you to Danganland?" Ouma questioned. He floated in the hair, staring intensely at the girl.

"I got lost following a rabbit," she squeaked. "Have you seen him?"

"Maybe," Ouma said, rolling onto his back. He gave her a devilish grin. "Maybe not."

(Y/N) sighed as she let her hands fall to her lap. "Well, thanks...I guess."

She walked away from the boy and deeper into this new land.

"She's a strange one, isn't she?" Ouma mused before disappearing, his smile still lingering around.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little bat. How I wonder where you're at."

A chorus of happy voices echoed throughout the forest. Curious, (Y/N) scouted for the origin.

She came upon a small table. Seated at the table was a man with crazy white hair and a man whose brown hair stuck out in all directions.

"Like a tea tray in the sky," the man with crazy brown hair sung drunkly before passing out due to his drunken state.

"H-Hello?" (Y/N) said, waving at the two.

"Ah, welcome!" The male with wild white hair exclaimed. He dipped his top hat toward her. "And a very unhappy birthday to you, madam."

(Y/N) tilted her head at the odd man. He had a maniacal grin on his face as he stared at the girl.

"Don't be shy, take a seat!" He said.

She walked over, reluctantly taking a seat at the head of the table, opposite of him.

"Tea?" He raised an eyebrow and began pouring a cup. But he wasn't focusing as the tea went onto the ground instead.

"I am Nagito Komeada, also known as the Mad Hatter," he introduced himself. "What brings you to our lovely tea party?"

"I'm just l-looking for a w-way home," (Y/N) stuttered.

"I think the best option for you would be to keep going." Nagito gave up on the tea and began stacking cars. "Doesn't matter where you go as long as you get somewhere."

"Put that on a shirt, man," the crazy brown-haired male wheezed as he picked his head up,

"Please don't mind Hagakure, here," Nagito said, his focus on his card tower. "He's a little madder than the rest of us, if you know what I mean."

(Y/N) slowly nodded. Were all the people her this insane?

The galloping of a horse made Nagito lose focus and his card tower fell. He looked up to see a very regal man approaching on a black horse.

"Korekiyo," Nagito narrowed his eyes.

"Hatter," the man responded, getting off his horse. He eyed the table. "Another one of your tea parties, I presume?"

"Shut it, Mask Face," Nagito retorted.

The man named Korekiyo rolled his eyes. He looked down at (Y/N), his expression softening. "And who might this be?"

"I'm (Y/N), sir," she said. Korekiyo's calm demeanor made her feel at peace. Finally, one person who wasn't completely mad.

"What business do you have here?" He inquired, gesturing to the table.

"I'm just looking for a way home," (Y/N) whispered shyly.

"Maybe the almighty Queen of Hearts could help you," he mused. "I can bring you to here."

"That would be lovely." (Y/N) stood up, smoothing out her dress, and took his hand.

He helped her onto his horse and they trotted away from the tea party. (Y/N) leaned her head against Korekiyo's back. She would be able to go home. With a small yawn, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I'm sorry this took so long! I've been busy with Color Guard and school! And Ultimate_sweetheart , I'm still working on your request!

And check out my new Nagito Komeada x Reader, Asylum!

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