Kazuichi Souda//Talking to a Wall

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Talking to a Wall
Kazuichi Souda x F!Reader

"You're fired."

Her jaw dropped open as she stared at her boss. "Why?! Please, give me a second chance! I know I can make this right."

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, Miss (L/N)."

The distressed female left the room and headed toward her small cubicle. Tears escaped from her (E/C) eyes as she began to pack up her things.

"You alright there, (L/N)?" Her coworker, Kazuichi Souda, asked as he walked by. He looked at her empty office and his expression softened. "(Y/N)-"

"Have a nice day, Mr Souda," she spat as she pushed past him, exiting the building.

She headed down the street, walking back to her apartment. Suddenly, it began to rain and she realized she left her umbrella at home.

This day couldn't get any worse.

(Y/N) returned home, drenched from the rain outside. She shivered, throwing her coat off to the side.

"I'm a wreck, aren't I?" She asked sadly as she headed to the bathroom.

As expected, she looked a mess. Her makeup was dripping and smudged, resembling a clown's makeup. Stray strands of hair escaped her (H/C) bun and her eyes looked red and bloodshot.

She sighed, wiping her makeup off and taking a hot shower. Exiting the bathroom, she curled up in a ball on her bed, sniffling.

The day had been terrible. She had no idea how she was going to get another job, let alone keep paying for rent.

(Y/N) rubbed her eyes and sighed loudly. Tears escaped from her (E/C) eyes and she hastily tried to wipe them away. But it was to no avail as she began to cry even more.

She sobbed, burying her hands in her face. She pulled her knees into her chest and wailed.

Suddenly, a muffled voice was heard from the wall causing her to lift her head up.

"Hey...are you alright?"

Kazuichi Souda had just gotten himself ready for bed when he heard sobbing from the other side of the wall. He tilted his head in curiosity, wondering who was crying.

Did he know the person? Probably not. He had just moved into the apartment complex a few months ago and had yet to meet his new neighbors.

But why was someone crying? And who?

"Hey...are you alright?" Kazuichi asked softly. He wanted to facepalm after he said that. Of course the person wasn't alright! They were sobbing, for crying out loud!

After a moments hesitation, a congested voice quietly said, "Yeah..."

Kazuichi raised an eyebrow. He didn't believe those words for a second. But, he respected their personal space.

Soon, the voice broke through again and he could detect that it was feminine. "I...I got fired today."

The pink-haired male's eyes widened. His coworker had just gotten fired today.

He pressed his body against the wall, listening for her voice. "Do...do you wanna' talk about it?" He asked.

There was a sniff, and then a quiet, "Sure."

The two sat there, bodies pressed up against the wall, for hours. They spilled out their hopes and dreams to each other in hope that they would be heard.

And they were heard. Loud and clear. They listened to each other's voice, trying their best to sooth them. And it worked.

Kazuichi glanced over at the clock. "It's getting late," he stated.

"What's your name?" The feminine voice inquired.

He hesitated. Did he want her to know who he was? They went by last names at the office, so she wouldn't know his first.

"Kazuichi," he decided on. "And you?"


The two had been talking for months now. Kazuichi only knew of (Y/N)'s identity. As for (Y/N), Kazuichi's surname renained a mystery.

In those few short months, they felt like they could tell each other anything. They had learned more and more about each other, like how Kazuichi's favorite color is pink, and (Y/N)'s is (F/C).

Things had been going well for the two. Kazuichi had been promoted and was earning far better than he had before. Meanwhile, (Y/N) had picked up a decent job at a corner store. Everything seemed to be going great.

Until today.

Kazuichi was returning home from work when he saw (Y/N) outside her apartment. He panicked as she didn't know he was the one who had been talking to her through the wall.

"Souda?" (Y/N) questioned, picking her head up.

Shit. She'd spotted him.

"Ah...(L/N)...nice to see you here...?" He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

His eyes scanned her. The suitcase in her hand and her tear-stained cheeks stood out to him.

"(L/N)...what are you-" Kazuichi started but was interrupted by her.

She held a hand up and shook her head sadly. "I can't afford to pay my rent anymore. Not that you'd care."

(Y/N) stormed down the hallway. She didn't realize that Kazuichi was the one who had comforted her all those sleepless nights.

"(L/)-er-(Y/N), wait!" He ran after her.

The female whipped her head around to look at him. "What do you wa-"

He cut her off with a kiss. He gently cupped the sides of her face, kissing her gently.

Unexpectedly, she pulled away in disgust. "What the hell, Souda?!"

The Ultimate Mechanic put a finger to her lips. "That's Kazuichi Souda to you."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened and began to fill with tears. "That was y-...Oh my gosh!" She flung her arms around him, sobbing.

He kissed her again, and this time, she kissed him back.

"I guess this means you like me?" He whispered against her lips.

Nodding, she buried herself in his chest.

"Would you like to stay with me?" He questioned. "There won't be anymore walls to keep us apart."

"That sounds wonderful, Kazuichi."

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