Company [Izuru Kamukura x F!Reader]

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People almost never get things right on the first try.

Because of that, the monstrosity of (Y/N) (L/N) was created. There had been many failed tests during the Izuru Kamukura project, but she was the most dangerous one, next to the actual Izuru Kamukura himself.

She learned to be a killing machine. She knew twenty different ways to kill a man just with her bare hands, and because of that, she was deemed dangerous.

The girl wasn't supposed to end up like that. Some experimenting with her brain led her to be that way. She gained photographic memory, and she couldn't forget anything no matter how hard she tried. So, she was dubbed as (Y/N) (L/N), the Ultimate Tactician. 

(Y/N) was to never be allowed out of her room.  She was thought of as far too dangerous. They couldn't let her end up in the wrong hands.

In all honesty, the scientists monitoring the Kamukura project didn't have a clue to what she was like. She wouldn't harm a fly - she was weaker than they believed. But if she was provoked, that's where things would go wrong. As long as you didn't get on her bad side, she was fine.

Days in confinement were lonely. The only person she had to talk to was herself. And boy, terrible things could happen if you were left to your own thoughts.

She grew skittish, constantly on the edge of her seat. She became epileptic, suffering from seizures if too many things happened that she couldn't explain. All in all, she was a failure, but they couldn't let her go back into the real world. It was far too risky.

It wasn't long before they had finally constructed their perfect subject: Izuru Kamukura. He was exactly like they wanted to be. He was perfect.

The scientists who worked on the project weren't very good at keep secrets. That's how (Y/N) grew aware of Izuru, and he discovered her existence. They were curious about each other, to say the least.

Except Izuru took his curiosity a little farther than most.

One day, he had left his room in search for his precursor. He wandered down the halls, searching for the girl named (Y/N) (L/N). After a while of searching, he had finally found her.

* * *

(Y/N)'s eyes were focused on the video in front of her. She held a pencil in her hand, jotting down all of the flaws she came across.

To test her skills as the Ultimate Tactician, they often gave her videos in which she'd have to point out the flaws of what someone was doing wrong. Sometimes, it was as simple as jotting down the flaws a team made during a sports game. Other times, it was much more difficult, and she had to decipher what one country was doing for their war tactics, and she was tasked with planning a counterattack. It was stressful, to say the least.

The door to her room clicked open, and she kept her eyes focused on the video in front of her. "I'm not done yet. I still need to-"

She turned her head to look at the intruder, surprised to see it wasn't a scientist like she had thought. Her grip tightened on her pencil as she stared at the stranger in her room. She was silent, scared shitless.

"Are you (Y/N) (L/N), the failed test subject for the Kamukura Project?" The man in front of her questioned, his voice emotionless.

"Yes," (Y/N) whispered, her voice barely audible.

He stared her down with his red eyes, causing her to shrink. "I am Izuru Kamukura, the final result of the Kamukura Project."

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