Feelings [Kaito Momota x Reader]

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DEALS WITH SEX (but no smut, i don't write that shit. just sexual themes) AND IS GENDER-NEUTRAL

"So, you're telling Ibuki you haven't..." She trailed off, making an obscene hand gesture.

You and Kaito remained silent. Really, you were more embarrassed over the whole thing. Kaito really didn't seem bothered.

"Actually," Kaito started, "we haven't even-"

Shooting him a glare, he ceased talking. You were more uncomfortable about the whole topic. When the time was right, you would know. You didn't need people butting into your sex life.

"Ibuki's gotta say she's surprised!" The musician exclaimed. "She wasn't really expecting this!"

"Neither were we...?"

"And you've been together...three months?"

"Four," you two corrected in unison, holding up the proper amount of fingers.

Tilting her head, Ibuki asked, "But what about that party at Togami's where you guys stayed in the coat closet for, like, an hour?"

You immediately turned scarlet at the mention of the event. "...Geez, people noticed that?!"

"Oh, hon."

"We were just kissing," you insisted, absolutely flustered. Your face resembled a tomato in hue as Ibuki kept pestering you.

"And what about that big sleepover at Naegi's?" Ibuki question, rattling out the time on her fingers.

"Y-You heard about that?" You stuttered, completely embarrassed. "I'm sorry...we thought we heard something, so we stopped."

The female put a hand to her chin, thinking. "And what about that OTHER party at Togami's where you guys just started making out in front of everyone, and people were cheering. And then Kaito took you upstairs even though everybody said you should just stay downstairs-"

You seemed about ready to pull your hair out. "Okay, I already apologized for that time! Things got out of hand!"

Sighing wearily, you picked up your guitar. It wasn't that you didn't want to be with Kaito, it was just that something always stopped you two from it. It was like the universe didn't want you to have sex with him.

"Something always gets in the way," you explained vaguely. "Whatever, can we please get back to you helping me with guitar?"

Picking up her own guitar, Ibuki smiled. "Sure, sure, Ibuki apologizes. We were at the second chorus, right?"

"Play 'Hey There Delilah' but replace 'Delilah' with 'Momota'," Kaito insisted, a smirk on his face. "C'mon."

Giving him a small smile, you strummed a few notes on your guitar. "Do I look like the kind of person who knows that song?"


Chiaki Nanami, your pink-haired friend, spoke up. "...I think things are going to work out for you both exactly when they should, you know?"

You thought about what she said. Maybe there was reason why things always went wrong.

Pausing, Chiaki's eyes trailed up to meet yours. "...I know someone you might want to talk to, actually..."

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